Project 2025's Christian Nationalist Roots Exposed In Secret Recording

Health care for everybody and not just donald!!



National treasure


‘I think you have to rehabilitate Christian nationalism’

And slimy politicians are exactly the guys to explain what the Bible really means.

Relax, clergy. Fast food is paying almost fifteen dollars an hour.


Washington Post has a sad
Donald Trump’s comfort-food campaign (
To put it in terms Donald Trump would appreciate: On Thursday, Trump gave himself a mulligan.

The afternoon before, he was in North Carolina to present what was billed as a speech delineating his economic policies. As he got underway, he even told the raucous crowd that “we’re doing this as an intellectual speech.”

But, with the cheering crowd rooting him on, the speech quickly devolved into Trump’s familiar rhetorical stew. He read some prepared comments from the teleprompter and then wandered off into the stuff he really enjoyed talking about. By the end, it was just a regular rally, with a few more lines about inflation than you might normally hear.
Donald Trump’s comfort-food campaign

Donald Trump’s comfort-food campaign© Joe Lamberti/For The Washington Post

To put it in terms Donald Trump would appreciate: On Thursday, Trump gave himself a mulligan.

The afternoon before, he was in North Carolina to present what was billed as a speech delineating his economic policies. As he got underway, he even told the raucous crowd that “we’re doing this as an intellectual speech.”

But, with the cheering crowd rooting him on, the speech quickly devolved into Trump’s familiar rhetorical stew. He read some prepared comments from the teleprompter and then wandered off into the stuff he really enjoyed talking about. By the end, it was just a regular rally, with a few more lines about inflation than you might normally hear.

So: the do-over. On Thursday morning, Trump’s campaign announced a news conference to be held in New Jersey, one that would allow the candidate to present his economic proposals in a sober, direct context to the press, the only people (in Trump’s estimation) who really care. And, once again, he started off reading policy talking points, this time from a sheaf of paper, his voice monotonous and uninterested. But there were some Trump fans there, too, and after spending slightly longer on the policy than he had in North Carolina, he soon returned to his standard campaign patter. The shift in his enjoyment of the presentation was visible: He spoke with more energy and engaged with the audience. Talking about the things he likes to talk about — how bad Democrats are, how dangerous immigrants are, how deadly wind turbines are to birds — he is animated and passionate.


That recipe is about as white guy as it gets.


If you don’t mind, I’m sending this one to a few other cat owners that I know. Maybe I should print it out for the vet’s office, too.


No shit, Shelby. I’m living in it too. Toss in Bassboat Thurston (secretary of state), AG Timmeh The Vote Cager Griffin, and Suckabuck Sanders as goobernor and we’re almost to the middle of Dante’s Inferno.


Doug Sosnik has a very intuitive Electoral College map graphic up at the NYT showing the different paths to 270 electoral votes for Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

Useless information because it is behind the NYT pay wall.


They’re not. They’re really, really not. They should be. They would be, if they weren’t all in a cult of personality, but, as the old saying goes: if we had any jelly we could have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, if we had any peanut butter. The GOP is not ever going to even recognize, much less admit, that they’ve failed so massively. They’re firmly tied to this boat anchor, and any day now it’s going to lift them skyward; they just know it.


Max Kennerly


It’s one of my favorite Trumpisms, going back years: the dude cannot shut up about how much disdain he has for soldiers who were wounded or killed. It’s so perfect, first because he thinks it at all, and second because he also thinks it’s a totally normal thing to say in public.



The only people that hate women more than Republican men are Republican women.


Joe Conason has an article Joe Conason on How Grifters, Swindlers, and Frauds Hijacked Conservatism at the Washington Monthly. One of the aspects of this ties in with Evangelical Christians and the Prosperity Gospel, and how the merger of the GOP and Evangelical movements insured that the only thing that would be left was the Prosperity Gospel grift. If you care to step back and look at this without the rose colored glasses of needing to be tolerant of others you understand that Christian Nationalism is precisely what’s left of all 3. It’s fundamentally a grift, all that stops it from fleecing everyone is that pesky establishment clause. Without that the grifters will be able to force everyone to enrich them. No more need for a con, government enforced tithing.

I won’t say I don’t find it disturbing, but I can’t say it’s alarming because it’s been obvious since the Bush admin. When the GOP talks about “small government” what they mean is unfettered predation. What better way to prey upon the nation than unaccountable and untaxed leaders.


The oceans can get hot enough to boil off into the atmosphere. See Venus.


as the Secret Service arranges to surround his podium with bulletproof glass

Hey, use the glass he’s got on his car. The kind you can’t see through.


This is worse than the Dijon mustard scandal, I though we had touched bottom with the provolone on the Philly Cheesesteak…

But seriously, does anyone think that someone is going to flip his vote to Trump because Walz put chili powder in his casserole?

These guys are just providing the daily hit of outrage to the anger-addicted junkies that listen to them. Frankly I have a hard time understanding how people feel the need to be constantly outraged, poor people.


I was encouraged to see CNN covering Trump’s latest press conference as the shitshow it actually was. No “translations” to make the insanity sound coherent.

“ Trump’s discombobulation was laid bare in a self-pitying and raging stream of consciousness delivered at his New Jersey golf club that raised serious questions about the future trajectory of his quest to return to power.”

“ As if trying to keep himself on course, the former president sometimes followed with his finger on the text of his remarks inside a ring binder. But the argument going on in his head and the text on the paper again diverged. “We have wars breaking out in the Middle East. We have the horrible war going on with Ukraine and Russia. All these things would have never happened if I was president. Would have never, ever happened, and they didn’t happen. Since Harris took office, car insurance is up 55%,” Trump said, in another dizzying shift in direction. As his remarks stretched into a second hour, a squadron of flies assembled, likely attracted by several packs of breakfast sausages sweating in the summer heat. The bizarre spectacle only heightened the incongruity of using Trump’s private golf club as the backdrop for an event meant to illustrate the pain faced by millions of Americans at grocery checkouts.”


Required cat pic…



Pure, unadulterated GIBBERISH.

Goopers deserve what’s coming to them.


Perhaps the Republican Party elders are starting to realize why their Convicted Felon Candidate loves to tell the story of the frog and the scorpion, with such relish.