Progressive Dems Ramp Up Calls To Expand SCOTUS In Wake Of ACB Confirmation

Walk while chewing gum. They can do it.


Exactly. This does nothing and in fact may hurt some of those close races. Close the deal first, then make statements like this. Even then I expect BernieBots to start whining within a month of 1/21 about not getting what they want, ignoring that the majority of actual Democrats did not support them. Which is why Bernie lost.

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I know what you mean but should the following not be said right now?

“Remember that Republicans have lost 6 of the last 7 popular votes, but have appointed 6 of the last 9 justices,” Omar tweeted.


I disagree. When you allow Democrats to talk about bipartisanship and supporting republican issues you enable them. Any Democrat that does not understand the GOP’s take no prisoners way of doing business must have been asleep for the last 40 years.


I seriously doubt this will happen. The so-called conservatives are truly hard right extremists. There’s very little leeway for them.


Until the SCOTUS uses twisted logic to invalidate things such as mask mandates, mandatory health closures, limits on groups, etc. State courts, such as in WI, have been leading the way on this front.


For the next 7 days … priority is WIN the damn election…BIG! ACROSS THE BOARD!
Then until January 21 … DON’T LET IT GET STOLEN


Republicans have subverted decorum, tradition, and most importantly democratic principles. They have done this because their “ideas” are increasingly unpopular. Are you suggesting we also relinquish our commitment to these mores?


15 seats, 18 year terms.


No, I am simply saying that you can not coddle these republicans. They need to be confronted on everything. I fail to see how standing up to the bully is relinquishing our commitment to morals.


Sadly the time has come to “Unpack The Court.” the Republicans under the hypocritical leadership of Moscow Mitch has packed the Court with incompetents and ideologs.

To claim as ACB does that she can somehow devine the thoughts of those who wrote the Constitution more than 200 years ago requires Scatomancy skills far beyond any possessed by the current republican majority on the SCOTUS. This is true even if they are all full of shit.



“Decorum” and “tradition” are for the birds. They are both inherently conservative, if not stultifying. Democratic principles are a different matter. Which Democrats are relinquishing their commitment to same?


“Let’s keep the powder dry” is so 2003.


It has happened before. The court has a way of changing people especially when it is threatened. We all remember why Roosevelt wanted to pack the court. It was a conservative hard right bunch that didn’t like the new deal. Roosevelt failed to pack the court, but if memory serves the court softened its rulings some after Roosevelt made the effort. Of course, Earl Warren was a Republican. He is now the patron saint of the liberal movement because expanded individual freedom and opportunity from his position as chief justice. Republicans were shocked. His change happened after he became Chief Justice.

Justices are very, very concerned about maintaining power. That means they have to be concerned about ruling in ways that won’t create a giant backlash from either the political class or more importantly the public.


Actually, according to the current polls, we flip the Senate. We win AZ, CO, ME, NC, IA, lose AL, with 2 seats in GA and 1 seat in MT and probably SC, being up in the air. That’s a net 4 with 4 more too close to call.

Silver gives us a 74% chance of winning the Senate:


That won’t happen for any conservatives on the bench now. The Federalists have setup a process of vetting to ensure there are no more converts after they get on the bench.


None that I’m aware of. But I guess I’d like to know more of which “take no prisoners” tactics people are referring to?

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They have the power. Right now. There is no concern from them on any supposed backlash coming their way. If it were to come, it would have done so by now.

I think we are on the same side of probably every issue arguing about tactics. I want to blow just about everything up - the courts, the EC, everything the Republicans have done for the last 30 years - but in order to exact huge change and retain the power to keep those changes in place, you have to have the majority of Americans on your side - like FDR. Like it or not. A lot of what is going to put us in power next week is a response to Trump - it is not an overwhelming endorsement of liberal ideas. If it was, Biden would not be our candidate. He was probably my 10th choice out of the possible choices - but here we are. I agree we cannot be as cautious as we have been in the past - but we do need to actually have the votes before we start talking about foundational changes which are much needed but scare the shit out of low information voters.


I don’t know, either, but it is a colorful phrase that comes from war.

I have an idea: Let’s ask @sniffit.

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