Federal agents on Wednesday executed a search warrant on Rudy Giuliani’s New York home and office, where they seized electronic devices in their investigation into the lawyer’s business dealings in Ukraine.
This is the playbook. Conviceted felon D’souza made the same bullshit claim. I’ve long ago given up on any of these swine every admitting they knew their actions were vile, venal, criminal, traitorous.
Settling for their humiliation and incarceration isn’t all that bad, though.
There is a lot to unpack here, first this isn’t the “polititization” of the Justice Department, this is the Justice doing its job. Second “no indication that the DOJ’s probe involves Trump,” oh please, it isn’t as if Rudy was working for your average guy. Lastly Hannity argued that it was “unlikely” that Giuliani had done something wrong “because he is a lawyer and he is smart.” If Rudy was so smart, he would have picked a better hair dye.
The DOJ wanted to investigate Guilianni while Trump was still in office but Trump’s political appointees intervened. That’s what is interesting and possibly should be investigated.
That’s a lot of whistling over there at Fox. On the other hand, it’s an awfully big graveyard they’re trying to walk past. Many bodies there, waiting for the resurrection. Or something.