Bill Barr was AG last summer when this investigation began.
Pretty smart how Joe Biden convinced Barr to do that, right?
Bill Barr was AG last summer when this investigation began.
Pretty smart how Joe Biden convinced Barr to do that, right?
It’s not an attack on all Trump buddies. Just the ones who did crimes.
…which I guess is all of them. Carry on.
So, water is wet.
Fellow Fox Trump loyalist Sean Hannity ran with the same narrative on his radio show, ranting that “didn’t take long for Biden to start using the Justice Department to go after political enemies” and “our justice system has been politicized.”
The Fox host argued that it was “unlikely” that Giuliani had done something wrong “because he is a lawyer and he is smart.”
I stopped reading right there. If Sean Hannity tells me that Rudy Guliani is smart, that’s really all i need to know.
Two words - Michael Cohen.
Murdoch’s ultimate goal (and nightly wet dream) is to be the one and only official state media service for a fascist dictator state. He’s got his hands in three democracies, trying to make that happen. He won’t be happy (nor stop) until that’s a reality.
It must be devastating to him though, that he came so close to that goal with Trump, only to be thwarted by the people (and competing media) of this nation.
Well, for starters, Hannity is a moron.
I love the fact that they’re the first to bring up Trump’s name in all this. NOBODY else, in their reporting had made ANY connection with this to Trump, directly.
Until they did.
Mighty telling, that…
Yep. A lot less worried.
Everyone knew this was coming even as trump and his minions were committing their crimes. It will get worse with each new charge, each new minion.
Good question. Let’s check in with Dominion to see if they have any ideas.
Yet Trump failed to pardon Rudy on his way out.
Was Billy being naughty and didn’t tell his boss that DOJ was sitting on this…
Trump: “I barely knew the guy. I thought he was one of Melania’s garden gnomes, wasn’t he?”
You’re being too nice.
I seem to recall a former President… I’m not certain I recall which one… constantly calling for the arrest of his political rivals, and even fighting with, and ultimately dismissing, his Attorney General over that individual’s failure to prosecute his political rivals.
America’s Major Felon!
A noun, a verb, and nine consecutive “Guilty” verdicts.
Even after 9/11 I never thought Rudy was anything beyond a ward-heeling hack and grandstanding opportunist - but when combined with Trump, he was revealed to be an amoral crook who was willing to debase himself in front of the public repeatedly for any shred of profit or power. If he wasn’t such a despicable cartoon it would almost be sad, but his actions around Trump completely destroyed any empathy I might have ever had for him. He became a semi-drunken caricature of a mob lawyer and I don’t believe his brain is functioning in the real world anymore.
Thanks, Obama.
I’ll take a wild guess and say…um…Rutherford B. Hayes?!
Typo, I think. You misspelled “better.”