That may be true, and I hope it is, but as the “base” loses it’s perceived grip on our government they are becoming even more whiney, unhinged and vicious. They have succeeded in leaving a legacy of corruption that will last for generations.
This reminds me of inflation. It takes a few, particularly visionary opportunists to stick their necks out before they have the cover of a real convenient excuse. Once the expectation finally takes root, everyone and their uncle will be racing to out-bid the last guy.
I think there’s a movement, more longstanding than nascent, to do what works. And there are numerous signs that the party has decided what’s most effective is to quietly move on from Trump. The crisis in Ukraine has done little to change that.
The BS and hate has always been there. Sadly, the GOP Brass is craven enough (and has been since Lee Atwater) to capitalize on it and win elections.
Seven years since he announced, and not one person in 80 in DC understands the fact of his Narcissistic Personality Disorder and its meaning.
Ma: “…Johnny…I see you are wearing three parachutes for your jump…Why?”
Johnny: “Well, Ma, the last one is on order and I’ll have to go with these”
Them active and hovering GOPers will spill over into the reality of the pre-Trump Era when they are SURE that the time is right
Not sure why you’re specifying DC… I would guess that statistic is accurate almost universally… the only exceptions that come to mind are on the grounds of Psychiatric Hospitals.
Anecdotal evidence of tfg’s dwindling mojo. There’s one particular trumper in my blue state/red neighborhood that began flying a Fuck Biden flag from the front of his house after tfg’s inglorious defeat and the failed insurrection. We have a neighborhood association so I sent them an e-mail complaining about the huge and obscene flag. I believe others complained as well because after several weeks the flag came down.
Next, the same guy begins flying an FU46 flag. I didn’t write about this one (no blatant obscenity) but perhaps others did because the flag also came down a few weeks later.
Next he flew the blue/black american flag (support for LE?) for a few weeks before recently switching to a Trump 2024 flag. That one was up for a bit until recently when tfg began cheerleading putin and the Ukraine invasion. Now that one’s down and the guy’s flying a traditional American flag.
I take that to mean that particular neighborhood trumper is finally done with tfg, or at least too damn embarrassed to admit his support publicly. Either way it’s a good sign of tfg’s flagging support.
It’s been there well before Atwater, since the last 40’s when Atwater’s former boss Nixon and his buddy McCarthy basically turned the politics of personal destruction and left-baiting into a first-tier political weapon and used it to gradually win over the country’s disparate morons, losers, racists, misogynists, atavists, crazies and malcontents and transform it into a viable political movement and strategy. These are now nearly indistinguishable from the GOP and its platform and methods.
“He’s respected by no one, he’s laughed at in Washington, he was never thought highly of in Washington,” the former president ranted on Saturday.
The projection leaves me speechless.
Trump is the devil’s way of fucking with us.
“He’s respected by no one, he’s laughed at in Washington, he was never thought highly of in Washington,” the former president ranted on Saturday." One thing I continue to marvel at is that, for Trump, being liked is the only important thing. He sounds like a 7th grader.
Yes, it is horrible and you are absolutely correct. smh
I think there are a lot of people within the GOP who would like to get from under Trump’s thumb. That has nothing to do with right or wrong, and everything to do with no longer wanting to spend their careers kowtowing to an abusive idiot who will only ever cost them power. Morality and righteousness have not a damn thing to do with it.
All anyone needs to know these days is trump likes what Putin is doing to innocent non-combatant people. Civilians are dying by the thousand in Ukraine and trump supports it. trump likes Putin because Putin is a tyrant. trump hates the idea of a fair and open election because he knows he would lose…badly.
Nikki Haley must be as confused as she was over the confederacy. Support congressman Rice and have Trump lash out at her or throw whatever weight she has behind his opponent. Decisions, decisions.
Losers like to be around other losers. It lets them pretend they’re more than the nobodies they really are.
You’re too generous. At least a 7th grader has the potential to grow up.
They left out the part where GOP candidates pull around the back of Mar-a-Lago and unload bags of cash.