Maybe but this whole invasion, if it weren’t a bluff and were to happen at all, seems designed to have moved very quickly to topple the government and install a puppet regime in a matter of 48 hours or so. What they have now can’t have been intentional.
“He’s respected by no one, he’s laughed at in Washington, he was never thought highly of in Washington,” the former president ranted on Saturday.
Folks, this is textbook borderline personality disorder behavior. The “everyone agrees with me against you” is literally the first way mental health experts are able to spot people with BPD. Note how the fat loser rallies “everyone” and “everyone in Washington” to bash Rep Rice. It’s laughable and pathetic, but millions of people in intimate relationships are abused in this way every single day. Fuck Trump.
What is being reported as what they have now can’t have been intentional, I agree… but I have reason to believe that some portion of what’s being reported is more about the misunderstanding of the observers, than objective reality.
For example, this guy will offer an explanation for what’s going on that is not nearly as rosy as what we’re hearing, and it makes more sense to me, anyway, than the currently popular narrative. (Also, it’s from some days ago, and, recent events show his analysis is aging quite well. More’s the pity.)
(He’s got a few videos devoted to Ukraine… might be worth watching if you’re actually curious.)
After all the shit Trump pulled my brainwashed family STILL joins with right wing KKKristians praying for the Republicans to get the House, install Trump as Speaker and impeach Joe and Kamala charging them with stealing the election from Gawd’s Anointed King.
This insanity really tempts me to vote Yes if the Californian Secession initiative ever gets on the ballot.
“Folks, this is textbook borderline personality disorder behavior.” Yes, and now “a massive case of borderline personality disorder is the single most important thing in a president” is basically the entirety of the GOP platform.
Rice is an exception.
90% of GOP candidates will still beg to kiss Trump’s ass.
Only if the State of Jefferson folks will move to Mississippi & Alabama, while sending us all the POC trapped in those states.
All TFG did was rip the tiny-town, small-government, low taxes, free speech, America-first, guns for everyone mask off the R-Party. What’s happening now is what was already happening off of the TV cameras. Spiteful, racist hatred for the “other.”
But he made them proud to be the miscreants they’ve always been.
As horrible as this is going to sound…well at least Ukrainians are white. It’s not like we’re asking Republicans to care about the Uyghurs, the Rohingya, or the Kurds. Republicans will only pay lip service to caring about the Afghanis because of the way the pull out of Afghanistan unfolded.
As with NATO vs. Putin, the sooner that Repubs realize that Trump is not just Dems’ enemy but the US’s and THEIR enemy, and deal with him as such, the sooner they can matter again politically and stanch their slow decline and slide into oblivion. He is no one’s friends and everyone’s enemy. It’s so OBVIOUS, and kudos to Rice for realizing and stating this.
I know it’s not exactly a romp where the plucky Ukrainians are always two steps ahead. But strategically it’s already a huge loss, no matter what happens. What has Putin gained? Showing that he’s willing to break stuff? We already knew that.
The GOP is running out of tricks.
Simple as that
Trix is for kids.
Lots of Rs in the former guy’s sights who have decided to cash out. We can thank them for their courage in maybe one act of conscience. But that’s about it, sadly. Today’s Republican Party is based on cowardice.
Yes, messaging is definitely a good thing; I even hope they remember to spell the name of the Democratic Party correctly.
But it’s not running out of gullible morons and racists who keep buying its bullshit and hate.
The BBC has even reactivated some of its old short wave radio broadcasts to behind the Iron (Oxide) Curtain.
Yes, and what have they got to lose by going with that approach? It’s either going to win them the nomination or it won’t. They already have the leader of their party working against them, so they might as well just be honest with themselves and their constituents. Even if you lose by doing so, it’s a whole lot better than having to go out pledging fealty to Trump while he kicks you in the teeth.
Agreed. Also, if Dems do well or even OK in the midterms, the disillusionment process will speed up considerably. They are so convinced that they will win big this year that anything less than a total shellacking will be seen as utter defeat. If there’s no shellacking and the status quo is basically maintained, the rush to dump Trump from the GOP will hasten and will be a huge mess as the furthest to the right try to hang onto Trump and everyone else is bailing.
Do you think there is a nascent movement in the GOP to actually do the moral and right thing? This is one guy, and he is getting notice that he would otherwise probably never get just because he is such a total outlier in the current GOP. Liz Cheney is paying the price for having a scintilla of ethical standards. Kinnzinger is giving up a hopeless cause in his district as are the others who are going home in disgust and defeat.
The current GOP is nothing but a bunch of wimpy syncophants. Scared to be called bad names by the schoolyard bully.
And you do have to wonder if the conventional wisdom about the party that won the White House losing seats still holds. We’ll never stop hearing it from the Chris Cilizzas of the world. They’re like the people who never learned one thing past college and their first few years on the job. Comes 40, comes 60, nothing new learned, no matter how much the world has changed. In publishing we call them hacks. There’s no point in reading them; why would you? Not to learn what’s new, certainly. The voters may decide they haven’t gotten the memo.