Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC), one of the 10 House Republicans who impeached ex-President Donald Trump for inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, put out a scathing statement on Saturday after the former president bashed him during a South Carolina rally for Rice’s primary challenger.
I can’t seem to track down the actual statement, but there’s no reporting of any of the groveling and trying to have it both ways you get, none of this “we’ll never see eye to eye on this one issue” stuff like Pence does. And I think it’s a sign of a growing willingness to say you trashed our reputation, you did one after another appalling thing, you ignored a pandemic and then lost us the Senate and the White House so you know what? I’m going to do the worst possible thing to you and say exactly what I actually think ails you. And I’m going to stick around afterward because I know what my voters want and I know how to count, and for once I think I can do what I actually want myself and get away with it. You want to start something, here I am, pal.
“If you want a Congressman who supports political violence in Ukraine or in the United States Capitol, who supports party over country, who supports a would-be tyrant over the Constitution, and who makes decisions based solely on re-election, then Russell Fry is your candidate,” the GOP lawmaker continued.
Dear Democrat politicians, my biased opinion…
THIS is how the party should choose to message in general around Trump and his ilk.
I also have to say that events in Ukraine may be adding fuel to Rice’s version of this particular fire, as people’s memories get jogged regarding Trump’s favor-asking of Zelensky in return for those promised weapons.
Sure–the GOP is dumber than a bag of hammers right now, but I have to believe that just about everyone in that party except for the mouth-breathers has taken several huge sighs of relief that Trump isn’t in office while the invasion is taking place. They know he’d have done all he could to avoid providing anything like the leadership Biden has shown in rallying EU and NATO support for Ukraine. Rather than being forced to pay lip-service to Trump’s do-nothing strategy, they instead are free to make what hay they can out of higher gas prices.
IMHO Democrats should run on Trump’s unwavering support/adulation of the monster Putin. Trump, Fox and Republicans emboldened Putin giving him the impression that he had America’s support.
Whether Trump runs or not, he has an army of proxies who take their orders from him.They must be forced to own their obeisance to Putin and denounce him even at the risk of losing campaign dollars. This is a very good time to expose Russian money in US elections and legislate for the end of dark money contributions. Shine a light on these roaches.
What is happening in Ukraine is a soul crushing tragedy. Democrats must use this atrocity to force Republicans to take a strong public stand. As Bush The Lesser once said, “Either you are with us or you are with the enemy.” And that is the last time I will ever quote that lying pissant.
I think at this point he’s got the full, enthusiastic support of the some of the people you can fool all of the time. For the rest, the long, slow disillusionment process continues apace. And absolutely, if you have a lick of sense, no matter what tribe you identify with, you know Joe’s handling this like an old pro. If they thought they could attack him on that, if they thought anyone really considered him unsteady, unsure of himself, stumbling blindly and so forth, they’d sure as hell be saying so. They’re talking about gas prices because that’s the best they’ve got.
Does it make sense that the house-arrested FSB chiefs were in charge of spending billions recruiting a fifth column in Ukraine but kept the money instead? I think it makes sense:
Man… you just can’t find a good, honest grifter anymore. Ya HATE to see it.
I saw someone had pointed out that Putin had managed to restore things in Russia to the way they were during the Soviet Era… the Ruble is worthless, nad no one can leave…
It doesn’t take a lot of effort to chronicle Trump’s style: Attack, attack, attack.
There are clips of Trump making fun of a disabled person, and telling Leslie Stahl that he criticizes the news media so that when they print something about him, they’ll disbelieve it, no matter what. (See below.) And so goes his criticism of Rice. Rice would do well to not only say that Trump is being spiteful, but to say that being spiteful is what he does about everything.
You know there is blood in the water when someone like Rep. Tom Rice boldly goes where no Republican dares. TFG is on the ropes, losing his mojo daily. He still has a few stings left which he will use to further destroy the GOP but he is going down.
And of course the corruption is endemic. When I was a kid and there was this thing called the Soviet Union I heard a joke: Would you rather go to a communist hell or a capitalist hell? Oh, definitely a communist hell. The fires wouldn’t be as hot and the devil would always be out having a smoke. I have to admit I certainly never imagined it was this pervasive in the present, though. I figured the oligarchs were skimming from companies that dominated whole industries, but for everything to be this bad, truck tires and everything else, that’s pathetic. I just read there were incidents of parachutes not opening, the maintenance and all is so slipshod. Pobody’s perfect, but parachutes calling in sick, that’s pretty bad.
I also have to say that events in Ukraine may be adding fuel to Rice’s version of this particular fire, as people’s memories get jogged regarding Trump’s favor-asking of Zelensky in return for those promised weapons.
I completely agree. And not only can Trump not run from the issues involved in his first impeachment, even today as the majority in the Republican Party say they find Putin abhorrent, Trump still cannot find the words for a heartfelt condemnation of Putin.
I have to imagine Republicans would have preferred to have this intraparty skirmish after the 2022 elections, but Ukraine has brought it to the forefront now. Dems are united and on the right side of this issue while Republicans are struggling with incoherent messaging.
He’s “laughed at in Washington.” That is to say, “many people” are laughing at him. The world, to Trump, is composed of those who think he is as a god. And the weird thing is, that’s so obviously the only thing that matters to him. He’s so nakedly narcissistic. As in his response to Bill Barr telling him that all the election fraud claims were completely bogus: “You must hate Trump.” It’s as if his doctor told him that he had dangerously clogged arteries and needed to stop eating hamberders and he said, “You must hate Trump.” (We can hope.) The emperor is so obviously, grotesquely naked. At any moment there could be a stampede away from him, started by a guy like Rice. Hoping!
Off topic, but, I’m reminded that Benny Hill may have said: “Just because there are no complaints, that does not mean all parachutes are perfect.”
Back to the topic at hand… I’m told that the Russian Army is doing what it always does; it sends in raw conscripts to help use up the enemy’s bullets, and just tire 'em out, then, later, they’ll send in their trained, well equipped, troops to bring the war to a conclusion.
There was unity before Biden came along and shocked everyone with his complete incompetence, racism, sexism, and xenophobia. His failed policies have brought us low, with gas prices sky high and NATO on the verge of dissolution.