President Donald Trump left everybody stunned during his press conference on Thursday evening when he claimed that exposure to UV light and using disinfectant as a vaccine would cure COVID-19.
This is not funny. The President is not mentally right - seriously. He needs to be replaced immediately - section 4, 25th amendment. Wow. This is just another example, but enough is enough. The Republican Party is allowing this to happen? Really? But then again, they have been silent on everything else, so they are complicit. Time for a big change…
More like “dumbstruck” if you ask me, as in “struck dumb” as in “coulda said something but didn’t…”
(I am, of course, referring to the “elegant” Dr Birx…”)
Of course, we could go with the alternative interpretation — everybody around IMPOTUS checked whatever smarts they had in the lockbox when they climbed on the Klown Kar.
After the “invisible fighter jets”, HCQ testimonials, looking directly into the sun, birth certificates, etc. Trump is the man most likely to say or do … anything.
Trump is peak Post Modern Conservatism. It doesn’t matter what he actually says (lies or crazy) to modern conservatives, just as long as he’s ‘fighting back’ against anything that goes against him.