‘Poor Judgement’ And ‘Fear Of Reprisal’ Fueled Corrections Officers’ Nazi Salute Class Photo, Probe Finds | Talking Points Memo

Corrections officers hold inmates’ lives in their hands every day. A just society has an obligation to treat the imprisoned to a certain level of safety, comfort, and dignity.

Maybe we should have a system for weeding out people with “poor judgment” and who “fear reprisal,” because it is never wise to put power in the hands of those who are stupid or easily manipulated.

Maybe “corrections officer” is not the vocational equivalent of “factory worker.”


Ugh. And honestly, police officers are a rung above corrections officers in terms of requirements and training.


This contradicts the Dilbert Principle which, unfortunately, tends to hold true in many institutions.


Byrd told investigators she was “completely unaware of the historical or racial implications of the gesture and reported it was simply a greeting,” in the summary’s words, and that no one at the academy told students to stop using it as a greeting to her.

Sorry, but that requires a suspension of disbelief that exceeds the capacity of any known system based on coil springs, hydraulics, or torsion bars.

Edit for completeness: leaf springs, too. And “leaf” is what they should do. The sooner, the better.


In other law enforcement MAGAt news…


That’s what they did. They threw out every cadet in the class, the Byrd chick who was having them do that and the Captain that was in charge of the school. All fired.


Byrd told investigators she was “completely unaware of the historical or racial implications of the gesture and reported it was simply a greeting,”

Hmm. Do we believe this? Let’s go to the survey:



Nazis and their neoconfederate brethren must be about a third of the white male population.

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I imagine correctional officer in West Virginia is one job opening hard to fill. Recruiting challenge.


Yep, I’m sure a grade school diploma is a minimum requirement. That thins the herd right there…


Oh bullshit.

Racism and vile scumbaggery caused it.

The end.

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Thanks to the New Deal, yes…

Thanks to Al Gore spearheading legislation that created it, yes.

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I would say the chances are NIL and NONE because what robaruba said is spot on: why did she say, I wanted the salute because I am a hardass like Hitler. So, um, she just said she knew what the salute meant.

Oh, you mean THAT Hitler? (as in, there’s ‘another’?)

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I was going to say that what’s buried in there is the long-term plan of our moneyed overlords, but @grack got there already with his “work for free.”


We need a photo of Byrd so we can look for her seated behind Trumpp at some future rallies.

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Drug tests take care of the rest, thanks to the diligent efforts of pharmaceutical companies and the distribution chains that profit from addicts.

I was honestly surprised to see this. major props to the governor.
it is astonishing to me how goddamn ignorant of history these fuckwits are. I would imagine most of their grandfathers served in wwII. although i’m guessing they’ll end up being offered jobs in some privatized prison complex – or il douche will offer them security jobs at some trump inc hotel.
the issue is how to deal with infiltration of white supremacists/neo-nazis who comprise a good portion of politce departments/prisons across the country.


Sadly, the investigation and disciplinary action only looks in one direction… downward.
There are ALWAYS those proud individuals in the upward direction of management that
are seldom held accountable for their racism and hate.

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These were the trainees for prison guards, these are the ones too dumb and thuggish to be police officers (no angels either), not much better than inmates.

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With ICE, CBP and Homeland Security. And certainly with a profile in the NY Times about the risks of alienating them and their votes.

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