Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was evasive on Monday morning when the hosts of “Fox and Friends” asked him if he planned on running for Senate in Kansas in 2020.
With any luck, they’ll send him to Leavenworth after the trial. Then he’ll be a resident of Kansas. I’m sure that they can get around any technicalities such as being a federal felon.
The Dems could probably beat Kobach, but not Pompeo, so I am rooting for Kobach. There may be more dirt forthcoming on Pompeo, which might be why he is playing coy.
Since no one would want the State job, Pompeo will not only be Senator he will also keep his State job.
If this is not legal Trump will sign an Executive Order making it so.
It’s a pretty clear conflict, though. Congress is charged with executive oversight–it was the Framers’ answer to the ancient question, “Qui custodiet ipsos custodes?” (Who will watch the watchers?)
You can’t simultaneously be in charge of implementing policy and monitoring its implementation.
Does he handle his emails properly? There was a question about the handling of emails (and improper servers) for a previous SoS… hope he is following the law.
Pompeo sounds scared. He is being pressured to stay in the SoS position, someone, probably Rudy, has something career ending on him. Life is not going the way pampered fat man Pompeo thought it would. Sad.