Pompeo Defends Trump After Lavrov Meeting | Talking Points Memo

nudge, nudge… wink, wink

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It is because Donald’s supporters have the memory span of a goldfish.

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Somebody should ask Pompeo – on camera – when he first heard that this visit was going to occur.

You believe!? WTF! Did he or didn’t he! You bureaucratic assholes couldn’t give a definitive or straight answer that might hurt your position if you had a fuck’n gun to your head. We’re not paying for words, we’er paying for deeds!. you are the f’n Secretary of State! Act like it!

The meeting with the Russian FM was clearly designed to send a signal to the Ukrainians that we are with the Russians, as the Ukrainian President is supposed to be meeting with Putin soon.

Anyone with an unbiased mind will surely infer that the qui-pro-quo is hiding in plain sight.


Yep…told Lavrov not to meddle just like he said no quid pro quo while trying to extort one.


# Pompeo Believes Trump ‘Made Clear’ That He Warned Lavrov Against Election Meddling

Trump did no such thing.

My wife, just now: “Wars have already been fought over election ‘meddling’, haven’t they?”…

The problem? Pompeo is a feckless liar and few people believe him…also Trump…

Pompeo made clear that he will lie on command for Dear Leader - even if the lie is so obvious that any 4 yo can see it is a lie.