Secretary of State Mike Pompeo defended the White House’s insistence that President Trump warned Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov against election meddling.
Again I ask … Why is there suddenly this insistence that Trump is issuing these warnings to Russia (he’s not), when we’re told it was Ukraine that interfered in the 2016 election? The so-called president has said repeatedly for 3 years that the Russia thing was a hoax.
Let’s see. Trump has openly asked that Russia and other hostile powers meddle in our elections to help him. He has taken Putin’s side that Russia didn’t meddle in 2016, but instead was Ukraine. Now, after a private meeting with his Russian handler Lavrov, his subservient lackey Pompeo asserts Trump now tells Russia not to meddle. Lavrov says the topic never came up.
Trump is a wholly owned subsidiary of Putin Inc. Anyone believing that he is not 100% co-opted and out-leveraged belongs in a padded room pumped full of chemical restraints.
Easy enough. Who else was in the Oval Office other than Trump and that goofy rooskie? Ask them. If there were none than who’s in a position to need a lie? Trump or the guy with borscht stains on his tie?
Nobody needs to do this dance. This administration does what it can for the Russians. If you weren’t sure of that after Helsinki then I don’t know what to say. There’s obviously no higher priority. And asking questions about it is pointless when Trump’s lies are in the five-figure range and going up like the national debt. I don’t care what Pompeo or Lavrov or Conan the Wonder Dog have to say about it.