Polls Show Some Troubling Republican Trends

For starters, just study the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries; you know, the Industrial Revolution, the rise of the Robber Barrons; the Rockefellers; the reforms of the early Twentieth Century; the Great Depression, the Roosevelt Administration; how we got such a large middle class 1945-1973.

I quite like that! I think I’ll use it henceforth. Thank you, LGB.

We now have

  • the Democratic Party
  • the Anti-Democratic Party


  • let everyone’s vote count
  • let my vote count … but NOT yours

“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.”
Thomas Watson, president of IBM, 1943

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The fetid tendency of a majority of Repugs to rationalize without end is showing, indicates human nature, our capacity for self delusion. In this case with the Repug Party over the past forty years, it is all underlain by hatred - ethnic/racial, gender, sexual identification and which gated community one lives in. And their religion assists in the self justification. Their denials are endless. I’ve known them, having grown up on an unpaved alley with bigotted parents, in a bigotted community on the outskirts of L A. And then there was the gay naziphile I had to work under for three years during the Reagan recession. End of recession and I got the hell out of there. Naziphile was out sick the entire last week that I worked there. He died fifteen months later and when I heard of it, ‘I felt nothing.’ We’d both grown up while living three blocks from one another; hadn’t known each other. But I remembered his dad’s grotesque letters to the editor of the community newspaper.

And they can fuck right off.

South Carolina Liberal

Not televised but live streamed on FakeBook.

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Rand is afraid of being left with only “low class” Dixiecrats:

So what’s your point, Rand? If you need the vote of insurrectionists to win re-election, perhaps you don’t need to be running? You really don’t want a government and neither do they. Why don’t you join the revolution and blow up everything instead of pretending to care about America and the very real problems it is experiencing that you ignore?


The “Red Mirage” was the plan all along …


“Can’t satirize guys in shiny boots.”

Mel Brooks did. There should be a remake of “The Producers” with trump as the dictator in chief. Springtime in Mar-a-Lago. Trump is begging to be satirized.


Love this :two_hearts::heart::two_hearts: Thank you!

Critical thinking is a learned art. And I think it is so easy to brainwash some individuals who are willing to believe what they want to believe. If I can’t believe this, it means half of Americans are evil, and I don’t want to believe that! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Exactly. They want to believe it so they choose to believe it. It is not brain washing in the literal sense, it is reinforcement of their belief system.


Unless you’re an actual physicist, this is sheer open-ended nonsense, amounting to “who knows?” which is not that far from climate change denial and a typical Trump attempt at gaslighting. Seriously, it’s fixed. Only known possible way “around” it is to shorten the travel distance via wormholes, which are theoretical and technically aren’t faster than light travel.

Even that runs you into problems with causality. You really want observers at rest with respect to one another to see the same order for events that are causally related. As soon as you introduce faster than light in (almost) any form, then you have to give up being able to decide whether A kicking B caused B to say “Ouch”, unless you’re willing to allow causality to propagate backwards in observed time. (which you can also do, but a lot of other physics has to be rewritten)

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Or you just get Chris Nolan to direct.

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Prefer “My Country, Right or Wrong”.

At least it keeps all options open.

The end of the phrase is “If It’s Wrong, Make it Right”.

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Not really. Assuming it’s even possible, you’re bending space, not compressing it or moving faster than light.

There’s also those alleged “smart” and “educated” people who also fall prey to this. Some aren’t actually that smart, or only situationally smart in some professional specialty, some are so blinded by racism, anger or whatever that they’re not able to think straight, and some have mental issues or suffered some personal loss or disappointment that made them snap. But yeah, most are weak-minded and not terribly bright or educated people who just fell in with the others. This is the biggest group.

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