The toplines of a tranche of new polls released since the Capitol insurrection show general themes: that Americans do not support the takeover of their government seat, and that President Donald Trump’s approval rating is steadily dropping.
of the 78 percent [of Republicans] who approve of GOP lawmakers’ attempts to help Trump overturn the election, 51 percent said they didn’t go far enough.
In other words, the polls reflect that Republicans are, by and large, still traitors and imbeciles. Color me shocked. Next you’ll try to tell me that water is still wet.
Democrats in the same poll overwhelmingly saw the Republican lawmakers as undermining democracy by 90 percent, with only 9 percent saying they were protecting it.
Only 9%? Only?!?! WTF! Insanity isn’t just a GOP affliction?!
Trump was a known liar long before he became president. Many Republicans found his lack of refinement (to put it nicely) refreshing. He’s not a politician, they posited. He says what he thinks, without worrying about the consequences.They were ready to be lied to and they have bought his BS hook, line and sinker. Twitter gave him the bullhorn. And those of us who can think rationally are now surrounded by these brainwashed Trumpers. What is our way out?
The constant bleating of a rigged and fraudulent election worked on self identified Republicans. The lie was fed to the hungry masses by the shovel full. It will take years to recover from this and the GOP may never recover. It is now and may remain the party of seditionists.
But the crosstabs reveal a much darker picture. Majorities of Republican voters do not hold Trump or GOP lawmakers responsible for the violence their election fraud lies helped incite,
and in some cases are even inclined to be sympathetic to the rioters themselves.
On today’s episode of “Shit We Already Knew”, we discuss new polling that confirms the fact that the GOP and its constituents tore up the social contract several decades ago…
No it is not, and the money figure is 61% of Independents disapproving.
Also 71% approval among Republicans isn’t good for them at all. That leaves close to 30% of their base up for grabs, or at least needing something not Trump from Republicans to remain on board. From what I’ve read, Republicans are switching their voter registrations at a pretty impressive rate.
These numbers won’t change until there is a significant change in the business models of the various right wing media sites. I think that only happen if corporate America demands right wing media start promoting truth. Somehow the right wing media generated reality bubble needs to be popped. Until then these numbers won’t change.
Majorities of Republican voters do not hold Trump or GOP lawmakers responsible for the violence their election fraud lies helped incite, and in some cases are even inclined to be sympathetic to the rioters themselves.
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I put the blame squarely in Fox News’ and other right wing media’s laps. They successfully brain washed millions of people.