Politicians Who ‘Side With Criminals’ Are Cowards, Says Brave GOPer Who Compared Insurrectionists To Tourists

Oh, dears! Mittens is perturbed, which means he’ll take just a little less time not to do anything worthwhile about it.


Fetterman vs. Oz

I can’t wait to see their debate!


This thread is astounding. The weird shit you find in the National Review. Ida Bae has more courage than I do.


Oz didn’t even survive the straw poll. I don’t think this will happen.

Despite High Profile, Dr. Oz Underperforms in GOP Straw Polls Ahead of 2022 Midterms (newsweek.com)


Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in Georgia told CNN on Monday that her office will begin issuing subpoenas in her Trump election meddling investigation as soon as May,

Why in May, the supposed offence happened a year ago, and they still need three months for the subpoenas? She is dragging her feet in order for the statute of limitations to kick in.

Dems in disarray
Every Republican Senator to Condemn Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger Censure (newsweek.com)


“Oh, Kim! I wish I could slaughter 10 million of my citizens like you do! You’re the ginchiest! L, Don-Don”


“The demonstrators improperly accessed the Capitol.”


Over the past year Fetterman had a couple of $25 per person fundraisers in Manhattan at a bar. Pennsylvania obviously isn’t far from New York and you have people who commute to there so it makes sense for him to have these. My Pennsylvania relatives love him however they tell me that he can be a hard sell in some places.


“Dr. Oz Underperforms…”

That’s what SHE said!


Were you hoping for something like a Manic Monday?

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You’re right. It’s the district attorney. Clearly this is the only case her office has to work on, nobody has been committing any other crimes in the county that might need attention or are in trial prep or trial, definitely no calendar to juggle here.


I think you’ve identified the problem.


In this screen grab the great and powerful Pete has no teeth.

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Can be? Yup, particularly if you disagree with him at his bar fundraiser and run into him in the bathrooms. But after a swirly and a broken sink, most folks come around to seeing things his way.


They are, in fact, booking hotel rooms in an around the city. I e-mailed the lawyer mounting the class action suit last night suggesting he go after the hotels to get their booking records to show just how deep the organized funding by the organizers goes. How does one explain 1,000 plus rooms booked under yours or the corporate credit card where an insurrection occurred.

Also, word leaking out the the suit is seeking the names of hotel registrants will go a long way towards dampening enthusiasm for further participation by those who were paying under their own name.


Personally, I preferred the Weekly World News. The stories were more relevant than anything that rag The National Review ever had to offer.

350-LB. Mom Sells Twin Boys For Bag Of Cookies. “I Couldn’t Help Myself!”, She Sobs.

(Actually, that headline may have been from either one of those publications.)


You know what we haven’t heard from Dear Leader Trump? Where will his presidential library be? I mean isn’t this a donations generating bonanza of a grift he’s missing out on?


So much for the “rugged truck driver” myths.


The major characteristic of any politician is that they leave their personal values and the truth outside the door. Lying is thee major characteristic of these clowns no matter what party. It is a very rare occurrence when a politician like Adam Kinzinger or Liz Cheney speak the naked truth. And usually it spells the end of their career in politics because voters want feel good bullshit.
Here in the Morning memo we have an example of a pol speaking bullshit. They were not tourists at the Capitol. They were rioters bent on grabbing hostages and lynching Pence.