Peter Thiel Slithers Away From Meta Board Of Directors To Boost Pro-Trump Candidates


Well, true, Berlin had Wowereit as Mayor for a number of years (when he decided to run in 2001, he just went on TV and said, all the rumors you have heard about me being gay are true, deal with it and was Mayor for 13 years).

However, do not forget the Berlin was the center of life for Uncle Adolf and his Brown Shirts, so I’d be real careful about categorizing it as all liberal and stuff. (I was married to a native-born Berliner for 20 years, lived there myself for 6 years and current hubby was a Berlin transplant for 20 odd years, so I know the city fairly well. My Berliner in-laws were anything but liberal.)

But anyway, read the Tufts article and you’ll discover that the penguins have infiltrated many countries with their gayness (and, yes, there are also lesbian penguin couples…)


Unless goodguy agent c_t infiltrated their team and slipped them the wrong decryption key for the detonation timer, leading to a premature exothermal reaction.


I’ll bet a dollar to a doughnut that Thiel owns one of those old missile silos where he and his friends can ride out an apocolypse. People like Thiel always have a way to hide, just in case their machinations prove destabilizing.

Here it is: he’s readying to move to New Zealand. .

So, when it comes down to it, he really doesn’t care about other people.


Only in Alabama…

Better: He can be the apocalypse.

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Thiel’s rhetoric veers from the superficially libertarian to the revanchist reactionary but basically he’s a predator.



Ukraine crisis: Macron says Putin pledges no new Ukraine escalation

Ukraine crisis: Macron says Putin pledges no new Ukraine escalation

Now, if Macron says he believes it is peace for our time, then it’s really time to start freaking out.


Since France’s basic position is to tell Ukraine to suck it up and write off Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk, couldn’t be a more apt comparison.

Macron can go fuck himself.


So who will poor Mark show off his growing Smurf collection to now?!?

I was just discussing this today with a friend of the family in Israel, and how it’s a big topic of discussion there. Of course we did this on Whatsapp, because who pays for international calls anymore who isn’t still using a dumb phone?


Those penguins are sinners in the eyes of Penguin Jeebus and are going straight to penguin hell!


Because the one he’s got is doing just fine!

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“take QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theories any day over a Ministry of Truth.”

sez the man running the Ministry of Truth

There needs to be a he-man sport invented where billionaires compete by ramming their yachts into each other.


No, no, Devin Nunes is the CEO of the Ministry of TRUTH Social network, haven’t you heard? Which is going to open its demo site any day now, in about two weeks.

Is it just a coincidence that Thiel is leaving Meta now, in time for the grand reveal of Trump’s new social media platform? I think not!

They call that the Sidney to Hobart.


And of course when this came out in 2005 some parents wanted to ban it.

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Yep. I don’t get it.

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Sauron used his palantir to spy on his enemies and feed them disinformation, so Thiel is definitely Sauron.