It’s a little more complicated, and the messaging is tough. Sure, these shooters passed “background checks.” What that means is a database check, in a database that is not kept up well by design.
Here in Massachusetts where I live, where we have an awful by world standards yet best in the nation gun death rate, a background check means a cop investigates you and the local police chief makes a decision. These killings likely would have been stopped. If an 18 year asked for our most deadly legal weapon, which is well short of an AR, the local cop would have likely called the applicant’s high school, whose principal would say he’s a nutter with a long disciplinary history and he shouldn’t be near a weapon.
I agree with that. After decades of fighting for reproductive rights (not just abortion), work place rights, etc., the daughters and granddaughters of those feminists decided feminism is icky and no more needs to be done. Now the youngest generation will have to win those fights all over again. Truly sad.
Um, if you have enough lawyers and money you can litigate a subpoena until everyone’s eyes bleed and brains explode as they wind their way through rulings and appeals that take years. Navarro might ultimately lose, but by then Barron Trump will be President and Navarro will be pardoned posthumously.
IANAL, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work exactly that way. You can do that in a civil case but not so much in a criminal case where the courts tend to side with the DOJ. (And, just wait until Pete discovers that the OLC, (the folks who more-or-less corruptly brought you “yOu cAn’T iNdIct a siTtInG PresiDeNt”), are in fact, a division of the DOJ that issued the subpeona.)
Listen to the Mo Brooks clip. And now, check this out. The GOP has completed the circle we all knew they’d finish eventually, and we absolutely aren’t taking the threat they pose seriously enough.
Not certain they thought it was icky, based on almost all of the young women I know. Rather, I think it was more that they took it for granted that these were rights that would never go away and that they would always enjoy. Lots of entitlement that needs to be squarely faced, certainly.
If you decode the docket numbers from the Nuremberg trials, for example, you get Hitler’s street address in Argentina where he fled into exile after the war.