Originally published at: Pentagon Removes Webpages Celebrating Racial Integration of the Armed Forces - TPM – Talking Points Memo
Several webpages that celebrated the armed forces’ history of racial integration have been removed from Defense Department websites, TPM has found. An Army webpage from 2008 that lauded the 60th anniversary of President Harry Truman’s 1948 integration order has disappeared. It was available as recently as last year, web archives show. One Air Force page…
What’s next? Is he (Hegseth) going to order swastika armbands?
Somebody should ask Byron Donalds or Tim Scott what they think about this. And to all Republican voting members of minority group, hope you enjoy your status as a second-class citizen that you were critical to come about.
Indians have no merit either
ARMBANDS? OH Geez! We forgot those - got the shoulder patches, Tattoo templates, socks, underwear (thong of course) , tee-shirts, nifty Ball Caps … but forgot the damn Armbands!!
- oh well we can always blame it on some Jews in procurement or some DEI clerk & purge them.
Stop fooling ourselves, what fuels the Trump movement is not economic uncertainty, or the elites looking down on regular Americans, or the price of eggs,. It is pure and unadulterated White Supremacy.
Ira Hayes, helped raise the flag at Iwo Jima, and is now considered DEI. Hayes was Native American, how much more American can one be?
What we need to figure out is how to remove a guy who is only second generation American, who never served.
Soon, Hegseth’s “warfighters” will no longer be fighting in camo. They’ll be in white sheets.
Who in the world can possibly be this petty? I really want to know how these men were treated as children; it must have been horrible. Small-minded people with small ideas…meanwhile, the world is burning.
“Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on.” — Thurgood Marshall, 1978 University of Virginia commencement speech
Truman desegregated the armed forces in 1948. Almost immediately it caused Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond to freak out and drop the N word. Over the next four decades it led to the Dixiecrats migration to the Republican Party.
What’s next out of these reprobates? An honor at the Pentagon and restoring the name of Lt. William Calley and Ernest Medina who carried out the My Lai massacre?
Absolutely agree. Trump is a racist. Always has been and always will be. Anyone who voted for him was voting for a racist, and most of those who did so knew this and agree with him. I have no idea how people of color vote for him, but that’s on them. As a Jew, I would never vote for an anti-semite, but that’s just me.
You left out the gynophobia. They’re all charter members of the “He Man Woman Haters Club”. Which consisted of spindly-looking little boys in hand me down rags.
- people with any cognitive / reasoning capability cannot avoid the reality that his proclivity for abusing people for reasons of race will not magically remain confined to “just those OTHERS”
- His malicious abuse will leech out to all kinds of different categories - ethnicity - ability - eye color - hair color - body type - language -
The 4th Reich did a lot of bleating about the crisis in masculinity for the past 8 years, yet it can’t bring itself to celebrate the courage and patriotism of real males, let alone dum ol wimmin? What can be the motivation behind this??.. Because I’m sure one of the masculine ideals is ‘fair play’ and ‘merit’ - which these soldiers obviously demonstrated before DEI was invented.
don’t forget the sexism!
Desegregation is “put[ting] one group ahead of another through DEI programs”?
I am just tired of seeing this shit; think on our very own HEYDRICH, Steven Miller. HE is the grandchild of HOLOCAUST survivors but wants to end any of these special-notes about anything that has racial overtones. They are trying to delete references to the CIVIL WAR from ARLINGTON’s website. (Like Robert E Lee was not a SLAVE-HOLDER and Arlington was HIS family plantation!)