Pentagon Removes Webpages Celebrating Racial Integration of the Armed Forces

I’m trying to imagine spending that much energy on erasing history. I’m so tired.


The 4th Reich has been examining the crisis in masculinity - FIRST HAND !!!


I am beginning to think Pete really doesn’t like people of color, women, alternative lifestyles and those who can live without a thick layer of Pomade in their hair


Ah, the Little Rascals. A great American classic.

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Isn’t Petey on his third wife? Just like DonOLD.


“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”


Weird to discover that a large fraction of white Americans were grinding their teeth whenever they heard about Navajo code talkers. Freaks, who are finally getting the chance to wave their freak flag proudly.


Oh … you are just counting “officially verified wives” ? … that’s cute

guess the scoreboard does not have enough places for enumeration of the forcible sexual encounters and drunken one night stands and hookers.


the anti-DEI order

It’s now illegal to hire anyone who believes in white supremacy.

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And that’s the thing: from petty on up it is an erasure of history and that leads to a space they can fill with any history they like until all that remains is a history so malleable it erases social memory.

There is a moment in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four I’ve never forgotten: When some in the populace actually demonstrate because the chocolate ration has been reduced from 30 grams per week to 20, the Ministry of Truth announces it has been increased to 20 grams (neglecting to mention its previous level) and a ‘reporter’ reads the news that spontaneous gatherings of people demonstrated to thank Big Brother for this.

NB: I tend to forget some of the details of this but never the general contour nor the message that fighting to maintain an honest history is integral to the fight for democracy.


Mr. Secretary, Mr. Secretary. We found some sashes left over from a Miss Teen USA pageant. Will those work?

Nah. Send them over to the Vice President for his team.

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41,446.02 −395.61 (0.95%)today
Mar 18, 12:54 PM EDT • Disclaimer

And Bull Connor (racist cop in 1960’s) has been reincarnated in Hegseth


Petty, rotten, no good, moronic aholes. Every time he shits on an American I buy the books so future generations will know ACTUAL history.

Some significant segment of GOP and Trump voters are racist and misogynistic. As recently as today, there’s a poll that supports this. Some 80% of GOP voters think “DEI should be eliminated” – or some such phrase. They said this about affirmative action for years.
Moreover, they have had “DEI” drilled into them as a proxy for – allegedly less qualified – blacks, Hispanics and women. I say this as one who does not see racism and sexism around every corner. Nixon’s “southern strategy” came about from the recognition that the old Confederate states believed that Dems were “just for minorities” – read, blacks.
GOP has been trading on this at least since then. Reagan’s stump speech was disgustingly racist “the young buck who trades his food stamps for drugs” – a meme that was in every repetition his stump speech.
So, motivation for the trumpers erasing history? Just throwing a bone to their racist supporters. No big mystery.


This thug in charge of the deportation is right out of central casting only he’s real.
I don’t have the slightest doubt he’s a sadist.


Sooo many Little Eichmanns, all the way down…


I also understand Joey has never been in a Turkish prison.

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How is this improving our “warfighters”, as Drunken Pete likes to call them?


From the USArmy web site w/o comment cuz of anger.

"Is the National Archives and Records Administration destroying military personnel files?

"They are not being destroyed. The National Archives and Records Administration preserves and protects the files because they are permanently valuable records that document the essential evidence of military service for veterans. However, there is a rumor circulating on the Internet that advises veterans to apply for their Official Military Personnel Files to save them from destruction. There is no truth to this “urban legend” being perpetuated on the Web."


Weird. Their premise seems to be to prove that only white men won the war against fascism. But since they themselves are in love with fascism, why are they trying to erase that Blacks and Native Americans and Asian Americans and --shudder–Women were instrumental in the war effort. You’d think they would want to blame the Nazis and Japanese losses on DEI, too…Illogical.