Pence Fuels Meme-Worthy Debate Moments | Talking Points Memo

you misspelled a word there…

“These people are that desperate”
wounded elephants can be deadly…

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Where can you get a Green New Deal Halloween costume? Sounds scary


That fly was on his head long enough to lay its eggs and register to vote.



Go easy on the fly, it’s Pence’s only black friend.



Well they have been talking about Trump’s next debate being like weekend at Bernie’s so I maybe Pence will be helping carry Trump around and wanted see how the flies will look and see if he can ignore them. I think he did great!

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I am hoping whoever these undecided voters are got a taste of what a mostly civil debate looked like and realized how far from this Trump has dragged everybody.

PENCE obviously has shit for brains…flies know this stuff…

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" Exodus 8:24 24And the LORD did this. Dense swarms of flies poured into Pharaoh’s palace and into the houses of his officials; throughout Egypt the land was ruined by the flies .

It is a sign. The Pharaoh is in trouble with God. The only hope is for true Christians everywhere to vote to save America from the flies.

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The BS is strong with Pence. No doubt this is what attracted the fly.

Looks like Twitter has shut down comments and likes on at least one fly site. Wow, a fly broke Twitter.

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The debate was a huge win for Senator Harris personally as well as for the Biden/Harris ticket and every American woman and person of color.

Or, as tamdai’s post points out, Senator Harris made America acceptable, make that COMFORTABLE, with a woman and a woman of color being president. That is the real test for a Vice Presidential candidate in a debate is will voters be okay with the possibility that the candidate for VP could be president. Senator Harris in her debate with Mike Pence easily cleared that hurdle.


All the jokes about “the Fly” and Mike Pence almost comic refusal to answer any question posed to him well demanding every question he posses be given direct answers hide Pence’s refusal to answer the question about a peaceful transition of power.

That is Mike Pence’s refusal to answer directly with a simple “YES” the question about a peaceful transition of power should his side lose scares the hell out of me.


It was God’s will …

Mike Pence’s Fly is Down

The red eye is there because of his recent battle with COVID-19.

The fly is there because he has been dead for three days.

The voice is there because he always keeps talking when his time has run out.

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If they are still undecided, they have (as the fly said) the brain the size of a poppy seed, and most likely did not realize that every thing Pence said was a lie.

Fly him to the moon and let him pray among the stars.