Pence Fuels Meme-Worthy Debate Moments | Talking Points Memo

The fly thought the same thing about Mike Pence. But it originally thought Pence was a blob of organic material (the kind flies like) and it smelled enough that the fly wasn’t having his dinner interrupted.

Did Jerry Falwell, Jr. show him that trick? Is Pence Mother’s cuck?

Well, Pence. You can’t polish a turd. Even trying to draws flies.

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Adam and Jamie say you can.

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Many people are saying that Pence’s pink eye is a sign of advanced gonorrhea, many people are saying that. Google it.

IF that is a single frame split in two, the asymmetry would suggest a stroke. The left side of his face is flaccid. Of course, this could be photoshopped.


You’re absolutely right to question. My understanding is that it was a single frame that was split with a vertical line. However, I didn’t create it. But, to my untrained eye, it looks legit. If it is real - which I think it is - that pic shows a man who is not well.

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We’ll have to watch him, painful though that may be. If the photo is authentic, the facial droop will show. This does not disappear overnight. BTW, I can’t decide which side of his face is uglier.

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For me, it’s the top half. No, wait, the bottom half. Hell, I can’t decide either.

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I went back and looked at the video. It could be the lighting and the camera angle but when he speaks, the left nasolabial fold which runs from the nostril to the corner of the mouth is longer on the left side. There is more muscle definition on the right side of his face when he speaks while the left side is relatively still. This is his left vs the left side of the photo, just to be clear. Definitely something to watch. I am not on social media but it would be nice to ask if others have noticed.


“I wouldn’t like to be a flea, under your collar man,
I wouldn’t like to be a flea under your collar man,
I wouldn’t like to be a flea, under your collar man, all along that day…”:musical_note:
Downpressor Man by Peter Tosh

and god sent forth the FLY to give notice of the in-coming murder hornets…

omg…keep a sharp eye out for when the fly-larva hatch and the MAGHATS appear…will they choose trumpf or pence…

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Is he using some kind of hair gel that smells like food? If so, he shoulda known better.