Kamala should stay away from biden for several days…i kid you not
These people are that desperate and If you think they are not you are a fool who has paid no attention for 12 years
Kamala should stay away from biden for several days…i kid you not
These people are that desperate and If you think they are not you are a fool who has paid no attention for 12 years
Agree -she should be very careful. Trump is resuming his road show campaign.
The Secret Service will take a bullet for the president but taking a fly for the vice president - not happening.
Cue the Norman Bates memes.
Don’t fly off the handle, but this post is off topic.
Check out this pic of POtuS. This man’s clearly not well. So much more orange spackle than ‘normal.’ Notice the weird asymmetry? What’s he covering up? Did he fall and hurt himself? Is it Covid Bloat?
What’s his steroid intake been?
I did not think he was getting pump with truly massive doses … but if he was … he could swell like a balloon… look up Jerry Lewis when he was being treated with huge amounts of steroids … he got to the “OMG - LOOK AT HIM” freakish level of absurd swelling.
Vice President Pence reported to the debate venue sometime after 4:20
I agree. Either Pence has the covid or else he’s been spending way too much time alone with Dong Jr.
I like the shovel scar over his right eye. Looks manly!
And they find it almost as soon as it comes out!
The fly in mikes Ointment
One of Regeneron’s side effects is numbness especially around the face and head…oh yeah and blood shot eyes…
Actually it wasn’t a fly, it was a bug Obama has been using to spy on Pence with!
Early medieval European monks believed that flies were the Devil’s agents, so if one was bothering you that was a very bad sign.
In this case, it might have been delivering a message.
The closeups made me realize that Pence’s hair looks as phony as Trump’s.
What we witnessed was the ultimate evolution of Mike Pence’s head.
Vice-Lord of the Flies
“Where they go one,they go all!”