Some Roy Cohn-Trained mook told Trump to talk about something that offhand so as to project “I am totally secure…I got nothing to fear” going into this weekend
So I remain confused about the Senate witnesses and procedure - if anyone knows. If the House wanted to call Pence, for example, is it John Roberts’ decision? I assume Pence could stonewall if he wanted to, but it wouldn’t look great. I’m starting to think that the Moron’s fervent proclaiming for a big, Judge-Judy type trial might just start to get a bit quieter …
You have stated repeatedly that you have “no objection” to the release of the full transcripts of your April 23 and September 18 calls.
What VP Pence meant is that he had no problem lying to the press and Fox Business about the release of the full transcripts. As to the claim of National Security, the office of the vice president is next in line to be Commander in Chief so it stands to reason that any threat to me as VP is a de facto threat to the continued security of this country. AG Barr has ordered the Office of Legal Counsel to write an appropriate opinion confirming this interpretation of national security.
Madow reported last night that this new information was something Williams had only recalled after she had gone back and reviewed her notes of the call. So it is supplemental to her testimony and no doubt was damning for Pence.
Why, Billy Barr, of course.
I’m not sure. I think the last refuge of a scoundel is either Russia (Snowden) or Saudi Arabia (Idi Amin). I would advise all scoundrels not to consider the Ecuadorian embassy in London for their last refuge.
Mr. Pence is as untrustworthy as any of the rest of the enablers now working in the WH. This is so obviously the action of a guilty sycophant it hardly needs a second thought. It’s a scary thought…President Pence.
and if Pompeo should be incriminated along the way, I’d be totally beside myself.
Maybe the incriminating information is that after the call Pence met with Ms. Williams — ALONE. Mother CANNOT be allowed to find out!
In a perfect world where Trump is voted out by the Senate, is it the VP’s responsibility to remove him from the White House?
I assume McConnell will control the witness list, just like the Dems did in the House. It might only be witnesses that are expected to exonerate Trump. Or since that isn’t really possible given the evidence the House has uncovered, maybe no witnesses at all. Just endless bloviating and Hunter Biden distractions by Republican Senators.
I don’t expect any appearances by the inner circle like Pence, Pompeo, Mulvaney, or Bolton. Even with Roberts presiding, I think he’ll defer to how McConnell wants to run the trial, and all the Dem Senators will be shut out of the process.
I see Pences team strategy was to keep him above the fray,didn’t work out I see.
Yes, but Williams is a woman, so he panicked to make really, really, really sure that no one thought there was even a hint of collaboration between them, because that might imply he was being, um, ‘naughty’ in some manner unknown to Nature or God.
So it’s all proceeding according to plan, then?
I don’t think so. It probably falls to Congress and the Capitol Police. But if it was the VP’s duty, I’m sure Pence would gladly frog-march Trump out of the White House, so he can get started on the project of Worldwide Christian Hegemony and/or the Apocalypse.,
After posing my question, I used the google and found this for anyone interested.
By the way, it’s nice to see Chairman Schiff, as promised, is still on the case. No wonder Trump had a meltdown in London regarding him.
He deserves a lot of credit for protecting the ‘Whistleblower.’
It has been my feeling since October that McConnell and the other Republican insiders have been working as hard as they can on finding a reason for the president to step down they can hang on liberal perfidy rather than their abetting a treasonous idiot.
That’s the only reason this is still around. McConnell could have killed it and sat Pence in office long ago - now the priority topic in meetings is figuring out how to message a ‘blame the dems for the innocent president’s decision to step down’.