Pelosi Is Not Happy With House Judiciary Handling Of Impeachment Inquiry

I think that lawlessness is plain to see for most fair people.

Exposing this continually will help us in 2020.



she doesn’t have to support it, just simply not publicly undermine it.


Pelosi should resign her post. As President Carter points out, the elderly lose the flexibility of mind required for effective national leadership.


I am really tired of hearing what Nancy does or doesn’t like. We are witnessing the most corrupt Administration and Congress in the history of the nation and Nancy Fucking Pelosi isn’t doing a damn thing about it. History will not treat her well.


It appears that she’s trying to do both.


I have lost faith in Pelosi’s leadership. I see no grand strategy at work here, just a maddening timidity. WTF is she playing at?


The best way to get rid of the Mad King is to vote him out. The 2020 election has started. I don’t blame them for investigating him, they certainly have enough material, but by the time anything happens, it will be drowned out in the noise from the campaigns. There isn’t a chance that impeachment would ever be heard in the Senate, so the whole thing is an exercise in listing his malfeasance all in one place.


Chamberlain will have company…


Looks like we’ll be slogging with the slob (tRump) for another year and a half. So depressing if we can’t even go forward with impeachment.

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Maybe, but many of Trump’s worst traits, opinions, prejudices and criminal offenses were there for the electorate to see and hear before the 2016 contest. He confessed, on tape, to the commission of sexual assaults on women, bragging he did it with impunity due to his wealth, celebrity and fame. He trashed a Gold Star family. He disparaged a decorated POW. He labeled an entire race drug dealers and rapists. He curried favor with Russians, in the open, enthusiastically. He encouraged violence against the media, also frequently, publicly and enthusiastically. The list is seemingly endless, yet he was elected. Why the hell should anyone be sanguine exposing additional criminality, abusive behavior and his vile personal moral code will result in him losing in 2020?


Yes, agreed. Few who support impeachment expect removal. It’s really beside the point.

Surely, but it will be a big mental distraction to the Orange One. His campaign will not be able to control him.

This helps in 2020.

  1. It will make plain that all Republicans are accomplices.

  2. That list is for the history books as well.


You forgot his mocking a handicapped reporter on stage. Otherwise, yeah, none of it mattered to those who wanted a change from the awful 8 years under Obama. They even believed Trump’s propaganda that those years were terrible.

Unless we get a hell of a blue wave in 2020 and take the White House and the Senate, I figure we’re pretty much going to keep sliding downwards.

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I’m on the side of going through with an impeachment inquiry, but what I don’t understand is continuing to slap Pelosi around when she doesn’t have the votes. Why do people insist on providing cover to those members who still aren’t in favor of impeachment? Before someone again goes and blames Pelosi for that too, I have a really tough time believing they wouldn’t come out in favor for it if they felt doing so was beneficial to them


There is no way in hell the Senate convicts, and it could make battleground congressional districts go Republican. It would also sway the Democratic Party presidential race, becoming the principal topic in the primary debates.

That said, even though I so want to impeach Trump, I have to take the urge to say “fuck you Nancy”, and stifle it. Trump is fucking this Country over, but he is also fucking himself politically. I just don’t think his power, and the way he uses it, will be sustainable in an election year. Moreover, I believe there is a far greater chance of winning the Senate if there is not an impeachment vote.

I hate that I have to be this cynical, because Trump is tearing out long held traditions that respected the authority of the people’s house. My greatest worry about Trumps abuse of power is some future presidency of a Republican who sees Trumps precedents, and uses them effectively to create an unstoppable tyranny. That’s the genie we cannot put back in the bottle even if we were to impeach him.


Pelosi’s cynical timidity is why Democrats lose.


Oh, I remember that, too. As I said, the list is endless, and much of it is too depressing to include in my litany. I think Trump exists in a personal sewer. Hell, he’s an entire clogged up leech bed bubbling shit to the surface. But here’s the key, so are roughly half the voters, in almost any election, pick the era.

Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite.

This is why there have to be severe consequences for Trump, his family, and all of his crooked enablers. By severe, I mean prison, impoverishment, and all that goes with it. Democrats can’t ignore the criminality.


Yeah well to get more Dems on board you need more public support for impeachment, and for that to happen you need more intensive hearings. It’s a catch-22 and she’s pulling the emergency brake so obviously it can’t make that kind of headway. I’ve never come across a political leader this terrified of risk and conflict. Did she literally learn nothing from her father?


I get it, she’s afraid impeachment will hurt the Dems in toss up states and, we’ll lose the majority in 2020. I’m afraid of that too but, we need to be united. IF there’s a chance an impeachment vote would fail in the House then stop pushing it. That is the worst possible outcome. If it fails in the Senate or El Turtle doesn’t even bring it up, that’s one thing but, if we can’t possibly get the Number of Votes needed in the House we will lose everything.

That being said, every day there is more information coming out that just shows how corrupt this man is. I really hope Schiff has a smoking gun with this Whistle Blower information


The idea that impeaching Trump even without removal would backfire is tired, old and baseless, and the output of lesser, really negligible minds. Don’t fall for that beltway strategist CW. They’re part of why Dems can’t get anything done. Impeachment is a political winner. Not impeaching is what would hurt Dems the most, just as not going after banksters clearly harmed Obama & Dems.

Fight, die, it’s a rare binary choice.