Pelosi And Other Democrats Jump Into Case That Could Devastate Medicaid - TPM – Talking Points Memo

“Did I strike a nerve?”
Val Demmings
…and you can have an IQ of 50 and still call heads and tails right half the time.


There’s no chance this court will pass on an opportunity to stick it to low income people.


Absolutely. That shit comes from the same people that tell us that loud-mouthed extroverts show “leadership” qualities. When the prevalence of toxic bosses and hierarchies rather displays that just because we have a bunch of loud-mouthed extroverts (and always picked for those roles by other loud-mouthed extroverts) in positions of power doesn’t mean that they’re leaders or displaying leadership.


A few months ago I mentioned that people who ruminate bad scenarios eventually have about 10% of them actually come true.


Biden is the Gandalf of our time?


Tish and piffle. Forewarned is forearmed, after all. And it’s always darkest…

before it’s pitch black.


Yup…and the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train…
…and the cloud with the silver lining has a tornado in the middle…
…and April showers bring May mosquitoes…


There’s a difference between pessimism and cynicism. Pessimists are negative about the outcomes of random chance, regardless of the odds. Cynics tend to be optimists who’ve been embittered by humanity’s consistent propensity to be shitheads.

No, not everyone, as has been demonstrated.

So, when someone makes a false claim, just let it go unchallenged? Trump’d love that, wouldn’t he?

I’ll reiterate my assertion that you’re a cynic. There’s a difference :stuck_out_tongue:

“Hah, triggered the libtard”
-MAGAts all over.

Something being pithy doesn’t make it better. And heads and tails is still the simplicity of random chance. This is not random chance. This is people, and people are, generally, predictable. Self-interest compounds upon itself, and those in power tend to be in power because they were not humble and altruistic enough to not want power.

There are those who seek office to serve, or because they feel a sense of duty (h/t Ainsley, Lionel, and of course, Gilbert & Sullivan). However, the vast majority of those who choose to chase power do so out of ambition. Which means you’re already into a self-selected group with a predisposition away from fairness, and toward the pursuit of their own agenda. As a result, this moves things even further away from the random chance of heads and tails than you were with just ‘people’.

That’s when it, y’know… “Looks clear.”


The Democrats also frame the case as a potential impingement on the separation of powers, along with an overturning of 40 years of precedent.

Kavanaugh: “Separation of powers? Precedent? Hold my beer.”


So Val Demmings is a magat?

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Yeah, no. I watched her polling drop steadily from +10 in July to even in early November. I thought she was likely to lose.


Naw. I’m an optimist.

I’m positive that everything is shit.


Nice straw man. Obviously, Val Demmings is not a magat, but that doesn’t mean her statement wasn’t one that echoed all of the bullshit ‘hah, you triggered?’ that’s come out of the right. In context, her remark was appropriate. Taken out of context, as you did, it becomes nothing more than ‘lol, triggered’.

But, you know, good job not responding to any of the actual substance there.

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What if instead they just pass a new law quick, stating that the old law explicitly applies to everything to do with money being appropriated.

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So if I understand correctly, the Alito SCOTUS says that private individuals who are not harmed in any way by a woman’s choice to have an abortion can sue over that, but they also say that individual medicaid recipients who are directly harmed by abusive health care companies have no right to sue. Got it.


Hillary did win.


She won by nearly 2.9 million votes. The electoral college is a travesty.


She won the popular vote, but let’s not start giving them cover on the ‘TRUMP WON’ crap by engaging in our own. The rules were the rules going in, and by the rules, she lost.


Everyone who did had good reason to believe that, at least up to a week or so before the election when polls tightened in just a few states.


Republicans fuck up everything on purpose. It’s what they do and it’s the only thing they’re good for.