House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told members of her caucus in a closed-door meeting Wednesday that Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee should have held former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski in contempt “then and there” during Tuesday’s hearing.
Nadler doesn’t have an aide sitting behind him with a cell phone that can receive texts from Pelosi? It’s damned convenient to bluster and say what you would have done after the fact.
“He’s just damned lucky I didn’t knock his ass out when he insulted my girlfriend!! I could have if I wanted to, but I didn’t! But I should have!! Grrr!”
I’ve had managers that bewailed if only they had taken the reins on a problem the situation wouldn’t have gone to hell. They were invariably lousy managers, because they put people in charge of issues that were incapable of performing. Sheesh Pelosi, step up to the plate. If you think something needs done, decree it be done. Don’t snipe about inaction later. Someone might start to think you’re a bad manager.
I’ll bet that would have had him shaking in his boots.
OH NOES! I’ll tell you everything!
Just goes to highlight how broken it is
They have no power to do anything to the lying sack of shit.
His response: Did I mention I’m thinking of running for Congress?
I’m famous I have name recognition and you can’t touch me
Honestly, to me it appears that Pelosi likely supports impeachment, but is publicly against it to provide cover to red-state/red-county Dems. That’s pretty much been her MO both times as speaker.
If/when she thinks she has enough votes in the house to pass impeachment, don’t be surprised if she does a 180 and quickly brings impeachment to the floor.
This new whistleblower complaint may be what gets enough Dems (and a few Reps) to pass impeachment in the House.
Prospective legislators that don the role of flame throwing backbenchers never stop to think of what life for them will be like should they find themselves in the minority in the chamber. Hopefully a Democratic Senate would tell Lewandowski his job would be to work on knitting scraps of yarn into sweaters.
If this whistleblower issue turns out to be what it appears to be, questions about how to handle Lewandowski and whether or not to impeach are going to seem very quaint.
It’s pretty clear Nadler isn’t up to the job of running an impeachment inquiry, his mishandling of Mueller demonstrated that. I wouldn’t be surprised if Pelosi is using the spectre of “We don’t have the votes in our own conference” as cover for lack of faith in Nadler. But maybe it’s starting to come out now.
I can’t imagine what she thinks of the hapless Neal. Probably only thinks about him when she has a stiff vodka tonic handy.
It is pretty clear that Pelosi opposes impeachment, while Nadler has supported it. What you see is a direct result of lack of leadership under Pelosi. She wants her way but none of the heat.
Jerry “Susan Collins” Nadler is the most milquetoast politician that’s come around in a while. The Dems have got to stop handing out chairmanships based on longevity, but on vigor and political acumen.
Nadler knew on 11/6/2018 his party was going to control the House and he was going to sit in the committee chair he occupies today. 317 days have passed. He’s had 317 days to lay the groundwork and conduct hearings with impeachment as his goal (if that is his goal).
It wasn’t long ago that the district was reddish purple. Peters beat the incumbent Republican by a few percent to win the seat in Obama’s reelection year, and he ran a moderate, pro-business campaign. He hung on by a similar margin against a very flawed GOP candidate in 2014.
Trumpp’s arrival on the scene has turned the district deep blue. Peters won by 13 points in 2016 and by over 27 points in 2018.
Trumpp’s attack on California’s power to regulate air pollutants will only continue the trend. It is California’s tight standards that make coastal Southern California livable.
Those of us with members on the list – call or write their offices to voice your support.
If your rep isn’t there, ask their offices why, and prepare a couple points to explain your belief (assuming it is yours) that the rep should come out in favor of an impeachment inquiry.
If you have to push for impeachment, then it’s not going to work. Impeachment happens when there is a hue and cry for impeachment and people are in the streets with torches and pitchforks.