You’d have to ask the guy who was sitting in the corner to confirm but if the person is young and relatively healthy I’m guessing several times a night.
If you are amongst consenting adults, what’s so odd about any of this in 2020? Not much unless you are a hypocritical asshat, preaching in JeSuS’s name, calling anyone who is of a liberal mind a sinner.
Anyways, I’m sure that his Mrs. got the better end of the deal. That makes Falwell sloppy seconds. Now that’s gross but it suits him.
What do you mean by “in touch with the pool boy”? How much better should we expect this story to get?
I almost feel sorry for him.
Well, no.
Wait, there’s pornography on the internet?
Josh connects the dots in an Editor’s Note that is behind the paywall:
We know that Cohen struck up a relationship with Falwell as far back as 2011/2012. We know that he got involved in helping keep the couple’s secrets, including hushing up compromising photos of Becki. It was as late as 2015 when Cohen helped the Falwells deal with the photos – photos which were apparently connected to another fit young man close to the couple.
So in 2016 when Falwell communicated with the Trump campaign through Cohen and gave Trump – of all people – his endorsement, there must have been an element of explicit or implicit blackmail.
ETA: Metaphorical “in touch with” I guess, but who knows?
Cohen made a huge amount of money lending on taxi medallions, but much, maybe all of it went south thanks to Uber and Lyft. And he had to pay his lawyers…
Trump got an endorsement by threatening to reveal lurid details about Falwell having a cuck fetish, maybe also having engaged in a little gay ass play?
Who could possibly ever in a million years foreseen this totally unpredictable and shocking revelation?
FFS…it was obvious the first millisecond the Captain Cabanaboy story broke…what…like 3 years ago?
Apparently this good Christian man not only forgave his wife, he forgave her hundreds of times.
Falwell from the corner:
"I forgive you, Becky. I…I…forgive you…Becky. Becky I FORGIVE…FORGIVE…FORGIVE-ah…ahhhh…ahhhhhh…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I FORGIVE YOU!!!
Up next. Franklin Graham.
Man, these Christians sure know how to party.
In his statement, Falwell mentioned that “he had had no part” in Becki’s affair.
No one had asked the question. Just like this, it’s the added detail that says he’s lying.
Knowing what we now know, I defy anyone to look at these photos without throwing up in your mouth at least a little:
I dunno, she looks OK to me.
Political pornography? Aren’t you forced to watch Fox while waiting for your car to get fixed? Look up!
It’s the other participants that concern me.
He forgave her all over.
God forgives those who merely nod and smile. Apparently.