Evangelical leader and notorious finger-wagger Jerry Falwell Jr. would watch as his wife had sex with a south Florida pool boy, that pool boy alleged to Reuters in an article published Monday.
Wholly predictable. Falwell tried to paint his wife as an adulteress, Granda as a blackmailer and himself as forgiving, loving husband. The reality is that this was all for his satisfaction. There are probably videos out there that will show the truth
There seems to be a certain emotional immaturity that comes with growing up as an “alpha male.” When these guys are called to the carpet and have their hypocrisies exposed, they only know how to whine about the unfairness of their persecution at the hands of everyone who questions their veracity. It feels like the sort of behavior we’d expect from a 5 year old with chocolate on his chin, crying because you don’t believe him when he says he didn’t eat all the cookies.
So Reuter’s has been working on this story for a while. Does the necessary background then calls Falwell for comment. Falwell denies then runs to the white Washington Examiner with his line dumping on Becki.
These people, the Falwell family, really are grifters and scum. I’ll bet my last dime that good ole Jerry had sex with them too. This is one disgusting family. If he ever goes back to Liberty University that will prove how craven these christians really are. I’m sure more dirt is coming our way.
Proverbs 6:16-19: There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
The Reuters report offers extensive detail of the relationship between the three, which took place as Falwell helmed a university that banned any private contact between unmarried members of the opposite sex.
And tolerates neither criticism nor freedom of speech from faculty or students.
Granda told Reuters that Falwell would sit in the corner and watch as Granda had sex with his wife Becki, a relationship that took place over many years…
Falwell’s wife Becki had her own perch in Trumpworld, advising the re-election group Women for Trump.
“The group has since been renamed ‘Women for Trump Who Have Sex With Pool Boys While Their Husbands Sit In The Corner And Watch’.”
You knew it was going to go down like this and Jerry was trying to get out in front of it yesterday. He was right about one thing-he wasn’t INVOLVED, he just watched.
Evangelicals and Christians are always the freaky dink ones.