Paul Gosar Has No Comment On His Staff’s Ties To Nick Fuentes

It was another bad day for DeSantis. Not only in this race, but his preferred candidate in the KY Republican primary also lost.


Conservative pundits are increasingly open about who they think should be killed | Media Matters for America

Matt Walsh: “Just execute them all”

It’s in this context that the right-wing media response to DeSantis’ bill needs to be understood, as typified by the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh.

Michael Knowles: “I think it’s quite natural, biblical”

Also on May 2, Walsh’s Daily Wire colleague Michael Knowles addressed DeSantis’ bill, supporting it “in principle” but not “in practice.”

Alex Jones to Steven Crowder: “Hang them in the public square” as a deterrent because “these damn predators are everywhere”

Right-wing media agree that the ex-Marine who killed Jordan Neely is a “hero”

In calling for the public execution of people convicted of sexual battery of a child, Crowder’s initial phrasing was nearly identical to the way he characterized the killing of Jordan Neely, an unhoused Black man, by Daniel Penny, a white Marine veteran, on the New York City subway on May 1.

Conservatives defend, justify extrajudicial killings not officially sanctioned by the state

Recent examples abound. In April, Carlson and Rittenhouse urged Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to pardon Daniel Perry, who was convicted that month and sentenced to 25 years in prison for killing a Black Lives Matter protester in 2020. Other Fox News stars soon got on board, and Abbott has now promised to pardon him.


Sure. This kind of thing, combined with reports of Russian missiles begin shot down and, even, Ukrainians promising to release political prisoners being held in Crimea, work kind of like a softening up of the Russians before the Ukrainians begin their counteroffensive.


He’s pretty badass.


Speaker Kevin McCarthy Goes Viral After Inadvertently Touting Biden’s Border Wins Vs Trump (

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy accidentally praised President Joe Biden’s administration by saying it was far more effective at catching suspected terrorists than Donald Trump’s was.

McCarthy spoke to reporters on Tuesday after a White House meeting to reach a deal on the debt ceiling. As McCarthy moved on to slam the current administration’s handling of illegal immigration with the expiration of Title 42, he said that over the weekend, an Afghanistan national on the terrorist watch list was detected while attempting to cross the U.S. Southern border.

You know, we caught more people in the month of February on the terrorist watchlist than we caught the entire time of the last administration. You can’t keep ignoring problems, you’ve gotta find solutions. And that’s what the Republicans in the House have done.

McCarthy seemed blissfully unaware that he was establishing the argument that under the Biden administration, Border Patrol is controlling illegal immigration better than they did under Trump while catching suspected terrorists in the process.


In TPM’s report, Gosar is quoted as saying, a couple of years back, “Nick doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.” Seems a straightforward acknowledgement to me of their connections.


I don’t think we should take the opinion of a rich white South African on white supremacy.


Add this sleazy Pulpit Pimp in with the kill crowd…


Missing from this morning’s MM is any news about Bobo’s pending divorce! Well, if you’re interested, I got ya covered.

Republican Divorce Docket: The Boeberts Split

Following the announcement last fall that cheating radical right-wing gym rat Rep. Marjorie Traitor Greene’s (Insurrection -GA) husband was divorcing her, we were sad… sad ! see that fellow gun- humping loon Rep. Lauren “Bobo” Boebert (Insurrection-CO) filed for divorce against her husband of 18 years recently. Here are some details from the Colorado Sun:

"The divorce petition, claiming the Boeberts’ marriage is ‘irretrievable broken,’ was filed on April 25 in Mesa County court, according to documents reviewed Tuesday by The Colorado Sun.

The initial filing includes a request by Boebert that she be granted child support and given parental decision-making power for their children, who were listed as sharing an address with her in Silt."

You may recall some of their romantic story:

"Boebert detailed her relationship with Jayson, 42, in her book, ‘My American Life.’ She wrote that she was 16 and working at Burger King when she met her future husband and ‘fell in love … immediately.’

Maybe he fell in love with the burger smell, but go on:

‘Four months after we met, Jayson and I went off to get married,’ Boebert wrote, explaining that the couple was turned away in Las Vegas because Boebert was too young. ‘For any ‘Karen’ who may be reading this, Jayson and I broke no Colorado laws with our relationship, despite what you might be thinking.’”

Okay, sounds a bit defensive. So what laws did Jayson break?

"Jayson Boebert pleaded guilty to public indecency and lewd exposure after allegedly exposing himself to two girls at a bowling alley in January 2004. In her book, Boebert wrote that Jayson never displayed his genitals, but that he ‘acted like he was going to unzip his pants.’”

Riiiight, cool story Bobo. So how did Jayson receive the news of his wife’s divorce filing?

"In court documents, a process server said that when he tried to serve Jayson with the divorce documents on April 25 he ‘was extremely angry.’

‘I tried to hand him the documents but (he) did not take them,’ the server wrote. ‘He started yelling and using profanities and told me that I was trespassing.’”

The good people of Colorado may want to stay clear of any confrontations between the Boeberts, who like to wave guns around. They could go from divorce court to criminal court pretty quickly.

And speaking of divorce, or no chance in hell of that ever happening…


Same people who had their tighty whiteys or boxers in knots over “Sharia law” coming and taking over the country.


Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins expected to resign. Just example 1M of Democrats being held to high standards while the republican cult is held to no standards whatsoever.

What would the fascist justices on our supremely corrupt court do? smh


The article is a rehash of things we already know about Gosar but it does remind one of how depraved the Republicans are when none speak out against him, not even the Jewish Caucus in the House. I find that odd, interesting but mostly deplorable. There is so much fear in that party, they can’t ever do the right thing and call the Nazi out.




‘Is this funny?’ Marjorie Taylor Greene flips out after witness laughs at her during House hearing - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism


See also GOPers noting the vast increases in quantities of drugs found at the border during this administration, due to new drug-detection technology used there.

More = Better.


And because of course he did
Lauren Boebert’s husband ‘let his dogs loose’ on process server serving him divorce papers: report -


And McCarthy is enabling him.


WHY is comment Necessary? He is advocATing for the Most Marginalized seGment of Society. WhiTE men!



Freudian slip much, “Speaker” McCarthy? I agree that “You can’t keep ignoring problems… And that’s what the Republicans in the House have done.”