Paul Doubles Down On Dig At Fauci: ‘We Have To Take With A Grain Of Salt These Experts’

How did that patriotic neighbor of his not finish the job? This guy is such a worm, tool and moron. Same “logic” is used to “debunk” or “cast doubt” on climate change. What is it about some moral and mental subnormals that they can’t just accept not being as smart as others and have to create this whole ridiculous and creepy alternate reality so their egos aren’t crushed? These are the same asshole who in school disputed the results of multiple choice tests because they couldn’t deal with being stupid.


The prognostication was none, then fifteen, then 50,000, then 60,000 and what’s Trump up to now in terms of numbers of deaths? oh, yeah, back to nothing when they get done with the CDC. The rest of the world must think that we are absolutely stark raving mad!!!


Truly embarrassing it is, but we’re working on it!


And Rand Paul should be taken with a grain of morphine.


Says the man who had such a feud with his neighbor that it ended with a physical altercation that sent Paul to the hospital. I’ll take Fauci’s caution!


Maybe his elderly neighbor kicked his ass again and he’s trying to hide the bruises?

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Heh. Fauci owned him in that hearing and he’s still smarting from it. Fauci showed him up for the fraud he is by distinguishing himself as an accomplished physician compared to this quack of an eye doctor. Randy is no expert at anything except being a professional crybaby and immature asshole. Every day that goes by, Rand Paul proves what a craven, self-centered and privileged shit he really is, not just as a legislator, but as a rotten person in general. If he wasn’t in the Senate he’d still be running off newsletters on his dad’s old mimeograph machine and writing letters to the editor complaining about everything under the sun…or pumping gas for customers at the last gas station in Kentucky still doing that shit.


He really does look extraordinarily grubby these days, doesn’t he?


Yes, it’s value goes up when the experts are arguing against some lucrative activity, as with reopening the economy now, global warming and the link between tobacco and a wide range of cancers.


Paul is a self-certified Ophthalmologist. Labeling him as a “Doctor” gives his medical opinion great weight than it deserves. Please do better.


It’s hard to believe that a nation that put a man on the moon now has so many loud, proud and ignorant citizens. It’s almost as if stupid had permeated the water supply somehow…


Every goddamn GOP member should not have the decency to show their face. The fact that he’s CHALLENGING FAUCI is just … I can’t even. The arrogance, the elitism, the ignorance. We’re falling behind African countries on fighting the virus.


Paul argued that “we really need to have competition among the experts,” pointing to British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson’s projection that 2.2 million people would die from COVID-19 within as an example of a health professional offering faulty information.

It was the upper bound, the worst case scenario if nothing was done you stupid, brainless clod of a man. You are a fucking witless, shitbuzzard of a disgrace. You are an example of the very worst kind of goonish, lizard-brained mountebank that the human race has yet mutated into being.

You fucking wankpoodle, wank off!

Oh, and quit with the Yoda syntax.

“So we have to take with a grain of salt these experts …”


Eat shit and die with “Atlas Shrugged” rammed down your throat.


But, Rand’s and the Fox Fab Fives’ take on this was even more outrageous. Rand said there were opinions “on the other side” that were contrary to Fauci’s, and that nobody elected Fauci to be “the decisionmaker” on these questions. Tucker what’s his name and Laura nobody hammered that theme, arguing that “unelected” officials were making decisions that were subjecting us to whatever.

Problem is first, there is no other side. Every licensed physician who speaks publicly – here and abroad – takes the identical position: until there is adequate testing, tracing and treatment, you abandon mitigation at the risk of yourselves, your families, and others. Second, none of these doctors, including Fauci, is deciding anything, or imposing anything on anybody. Rather, people believe them: asked whether we’re ready to open up, a serious majority of Americans says no. Governors who are opening now are becoming less popular than those who are holding to the CDC guidelines. (The ones we were accidentally allowed to see because Trump adopted them last month.)

Although he now looks like he’s homeless, Rand Paul says he’s intelligent. He is free to spout any position on anything he wants; nobody will listen to him anymore. What’s telling, of course, is that if he goes to the White House, he’ll have to wear a mask.


Talking about people we need to take with a grain of salt:

Rand Paul is a MD who does not believe in evolution.


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Go easy on the salt there, Randy. It leads to hypertension, which is a risk factor for Covid complications.


In a few years Tennesseans will be “celebrating” the 100th anniversary of the Scopes Monkey Trial. If Doctor Rand Paul is still around I wonder if he’ll be taking the science of human evolution “with a grain of salt” too.


The usual prescription for listening to anything Cryin’ Ryan says is a double bourbon and then think or do the exact opposite.

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