Over 150,000 Signatures On Petition To Change Street In Front Of Trump Tower To ‘Obama Ave’

Hadn’t occurred to me!

Whether it happens or not this is wreaking havoc with the orange stain. His life is spinning so far out of control it won’t take much for the shit flinging to commence. He stumbles from one attack to the next getting no traction. Things are not looking good for him. There won’t be any great come-back. He is going down hard.



What a wonderful moment it will be!


This is New York.


New York City is an amazing, world class place to live and work. I love the place, but could do without the corruption. On the other hand, this is Merka and corruption is now our middle name.


ETA @canyoncountry


How can I sign?

If petitions were available nationally, there’d be millions of signatures.

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From your typing fingers to the Goddess’ eyeballs! :smile_cat:

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I’m still disappointed Proposition R failed in San Francisco in 2008.


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She sounds more like an average New Yorker. (Just watch ‘em in traffic.)


Oh please let this happen. Please.

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Current Occupant currently shitting bricks at the thought… LOL

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Wait a few months and rename it John McCain Parade.

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While I’m sure the former President would love to have a block named after him, he would probably prefer it not be done out of spite. However “John McCain Parade” or “Avenue of Hero John McCain” are fine ideas.

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Understand, I was offering only my own personal observation about NYC. I’ve visited many times over the decades and enjoyed many aspects of the city from the Village night life in the early 1960’s (saw Jerry Garcia and the Warlocks at the Cafe Waa before they became the Grateful Dead) to the great sky scrapers and tourist attractions there today. I’m a country kid and not a city dweller… I need to see wide open space and solitude. The deserts of Arizona fits me. I certainly am not saying others should think like me as that would be rude and presumptous of me and I don’t wanna go there.

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This guy has a good alternative:

Since NYC has many “Squares” (Times, Herald, Greeley, etc.), I would prefer to see only the east side of 5th Avenue between 56th and 57th Street renamed: President Barack Hussein Obama Square, and Trump Tower being officially designated “One President Barack Hussein Obama Square.” A prominent statue of President Obama on the sidewalk, with a plaque listing his major accomplishments, would add the finishing touch.


You need to read some Lincoln Steffens. And tell me where in the USA there is no corruption. And don’t tell me some mythical Fly Over Country Story.

What? They don’t play in the Street where you’re from?

You don’t have to be from NY or NYC to sign on.


I am advised that @discobot discobot already posted it, but I will post it again. For the Human Touch.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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