My speculation is that Klobuchar is one of them. Opening a negotiation with a concession is totally her style.
“an illegal abuse of power and utilization, without due process, or juridical authority, and a flagrant violation of both the Oregon and United States Constitution.”
ding ding ding
The Bell Tolls
RE: oval office
Maybe he’ll talk his way into a brief stay in a local police holding facility.
The walk out did ultimately succeed: Senate President Courtney abandoned the bill to cap carbon emissions while the Republican senators were away, after which they returned and completed the legislative session.
Why was the bill not immediately brought up for a vote when the Repubs came back? Is there a parliamentary rule that tied Courtney’s hands, or did he just not really care that much about the bill?
No Words not the onion
Pointing that out is not done in these parts – but kudos for doing it.
Pointing these things out is also not done in these parts – but kudos for doing it.
What you see in war is unspeakable – and that’s all I will say about that.
No idolizing going on here. I think in many cases cops are just the flips side of the criminal coin. My point was that crimes against cops seem to bring stiffer sentences so charge him with that.
Yes, his constituents support him, and they are trying to recall the governor, too, because she threatened executive action on the climate change bill that triggered the GOP walkout. She just threatened, mind you, but that’s grounds enough for these creatures to launch a recall effort. They can’t seem to win an election with their ideas, so they’ll opt for extraordinary measures. Where have we seen this show before?
Years and years ago when I was in college we read/studied books (The Ideal of the University) that showed what would happened if we continued to use purity tests for politicians. The biggest thing being we would elect mediocre people…decades later we see this in spades. Not ONLY does he not understand the basic tenets of the Constitution but clearly never read the Founding Fathers beliefs on church/state…he doesn’t REALLY buy into the criticism against ‘frivolous’ law suits or even doing your job. He SHOULD be put away…
Leave it to the GOP’ers to find a new and unique way to be a dick
The party of Personal Responsibility ladies and gentleman. He has no problem saying this shit, but when his words have consequences he sues.
well … if an angry right-winger has a gripe – and if they can get that gripe to be heard in the Federal Court system … and if it can be nudged into a situation where it is heard by one of Trump’s vapid robo-right-wingo appointees
… then hey - who knows … because precedents may be disregarded - imaginative rulings may be conjured up if they fit the right wing agenda -
Trump has given the Federal Court system syphilis - the cure will be challenging - and the effect from this illness will be long lasting …
Boquist claimed that Courtney had at times expressed fear “that a certain Deacon, or Priest, will deny him communion, if not excommunicate him, damning him to Hell for eternity.”
but he’s ok with threatening to kill people
I live in Oregon. We’ve got good (great?) senators, I love my Congressional Representative (DeFazio), our governor is the closest thing to an incarnation of the anti-tRump, and yet this d*ck is my state senator. I retire this week, I’ve got all next year to make sure that he won’t be in 2020.
The legislature needed to get other things done. Bringing the bill up for an immediate vote would have triggered the Rs to leave again. Our legislative sessions are short anyway and need to cram a lot of legislation into a short timeframe.
Something not brought up in the mainstream reporting is that the NRA and Koch Brothers “nonprofits” were providing financial and press support for the Rs during the walkout.
The Republican Party in Oregon is a small, shrinking, virulent pool of political scum. They hold one statewide office and have one of our 7 members of Congress. They hold sway in the rural, sparsely populated areas and have little presence in the more densely populated areas of the state.
Who called their bluff? OR elected Democrats rolled over and the runaway Republicans got what they wanted.
Although long a staple of group think among the GOP and its media lackeys, this may be the first time the “It’s Okay If You’re A Republican” doctrine has ever formally been used as the basis for a lawsuit.
It goes to show that grifting isn’t always about money. In this case it was about swindling the Warmbiers of the emotional leverage they could offer on potential voters, knowing that once they embraced The Donald, the narrative was set. Certainly no one in the media realm gives a shit anymore about the Warmbiers, Trump got what he wanted.