You’ve apparently not counted the number of Deplorables. Merka churns them out by the millions, and Putin takes care of them. These are the new normal gops. This is how Merka is going to be for the next two generations at a minimum. You cannot put shit back in the tube.
This raises an interesting question. (Unclear how important, but definitely interesting.)
Are they pod people or zombies? Or did the two populations mate?
My question. Who interprets the quorum rules? In a lot of states, this doesn’t happen because the majority leader would just pass it with the Democrats still in town. Why didn’t this happen in Oregon? The hell with the fines, let them take a nice long paid vacation – they need some quality time with their livestock anyway.
I am just wondering how this GOPer is feeling about “capitol security” after the mass shooting in El Paso today? Is he now so opposed to some additional security?
“The Oregon state senator who warned police to “send bachelors and come heavily armed” before he left town in June has sued over new security requirements imposed on him at the state’s capitol building.”
Yes. With the Oregon State Leg. and the State House firmly in Democratic hands, I imagine some Oregonians are feeling pretty frustrated. This little tantrun is just part of the blowback we’re going to be seeing, and not just in Oregon, obviously. The more 45* loses his grip, the worse, more frequent, and more widespread these desperate moves will become.
Right. I’m a Red State Oregonian, a citizen of Pendleton, to be exact, and all i hear out here is nonstop whining about the west side elites and their high-handedness and their lack of attention to the “real” Oregonians, the eastsiders.
I say this all of the time! Republicans cannot win on their ideas, so they cheat.