OR GOPer Who Threatened Police Sues Over Increased Security Measures | Talking Points Memo

I’m sorry Mr. Boquist, but if anyone is going to fry in Hell for their actions, it won’t be President Courtney.

The fact that you were willing to tell Courtney “hell is coming to visit you personally” if Courtney sent the police after you shows you have no clue about the teachings of Jesus - and your pitiful conduct fleeing Oregon to prevent a vote puts you in direct conflict with Church teachings against violence, the value of all life, and the need to serve as stewards to protect the environment.

I hope your church in Salem Oregon has the courage to publicly denounce your statements.


As a child, I asked my father why he didn’t talk about the battles he fought in during World War 2 in Europe. He turned to me and said: “There are only two types of people that brag publicly about their experiences in combat - those that are mentally ill, and those that were not there.”


Actually, pod people is Invasion of the Body Snatchers, which is emphatically a whole different thing than a zombie movie. (I’m not a dick, just a movie buff.)


So I went to the Oregonian figuring I’d be able to review the Complaint. I was wondering who was representing Boquist, which would tell me how much of a chance in hell his case has. Turns out Boquist is representing himself, pro se. And he is not a lawyer either. In other words, he couldn’t find a real lawyer to take his case, or alternatively didn’t want to pay one. As I see it, this case has a snowball’s chance in hell.


Just another attention seeking fucking coward with a big mouth. In actuality he’s a limp dicked pussy. Like most of these militia meatballs.

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Telefon (1978) staring Charles Bronson. Interesting premise but mediocre acting. 38% at Rotten Tomatoes


He’s a Republican. That’s all you need to know, bookman.

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Fundraising. Worked for that Devin’s cow guy.

Correct–Republicans ultimately won when Democrats tried this in Texas a few years ago. But then again, multiple Democratic senators are actually seriously considering returning more power to a Republican minority to block judicial appointments should Democrats win back the WH and Senate (by enforcing the blue slip rule that McConnell ignores and reinstating judicial filibusters). All in the name of bipartisanship and civility. It boggles the frickin’ mind. Mitch McConnell must never stop giggling.


Could be yea. I’m in the middle of reading the Complaint. It’s pretty funny. Rambling typical pro se complaint. I do have friends in the legislature and probably know the lawyers who will defend this claim. I suspect it will not survive a motion to dismiss, which is probably already in the works. So it probably won’t generate much cash.

The thing is, this guy is a Republican leader in the Senate. It’s a wonder there are any Republicans in office at all


I was referring to both as possibilities, or some odd combination of both.

I prefer Invasion of the Body Snatchers to Zombies any day.

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Please name names. I need something to do this weekend. :smile:


Most of them live in the “big empty” and haven’t been socialized. Learning how to deal with people rather than livestock is still an uphill climb. If they lived in Portland and behaved like this they probably would have been slapped down a long time ago.


His voters no doubt view him as a hero. They are Republicans, not rational civilized people.


Remember when we used to read headlines like this on “The Onion”?? Those were the days, my friends.


There is also MST3K’s “Pod People” with the added bonus of a creature/character named Trumpy


Blue lives matter to white supremacists right up until it’s more convenient to threaten cops than it is to idolize them.


Another one that was weaned too early. The ranks of the GOP overflow with these losers.

Eastern and southern Oregon are known for their wacko right wing groups. Militia breeding ground.


Perfect. My grandfather was a sniper in France, (D-Day +1). He never spoke of it even when we begged. Watching a war movie once he muttered, “Damn collaborators.” That was it.