God! F-ing! Damn It! To Hell!
Toooooooooooooooooooooooooo late! (Again.)
I can’t even imagine what Otto Warmbier’s parents are feeling.
He reminds me of that Michael Grimm ® character who thought he could threaten people too. This guy is going to implode, probably in public. He wants attention, he’s a bully and obviously he isn’t very smart. Sound like anyone? The Republican party is coming undone.
Maybe regretting their likely vote in 2016 as evidenced in 2017…
Yup. You can’t let them off easy for they’ll just keep doing this BS again and again. Make them defend threatening police officers in court.
The tougher they talk, the whinier little snot-nosed bitches they turn into when somebody actually calls their bluff.
I actually have a file on this guy. Amazed me.
I’m sure it’s not as big as he thinks it should be, or that it has a big ‘NOT THAT IMPORTANT’ stamp on it, but there is enough there to show that as far as politics goes, the Oregon state Senate will probably be the pinnacle of his achievements in that realm. In fact, after threatening the police if they come to make him do his job, I suspect he won’t be in the Oregon capitol after the next election unless he’s part of a tour group.
Ol’ Brian used to run a company that would charge you a lot to learn how to dodge a rocket-propelled grenade when they weren’t offering ‘transportation services’ to hotspots around the globe, which is a long-winded way of saying they were REMF’s in the private sector. I don’t know if the company --ICI Wyoming–still exists.
I’ve met guys who were actually IN combat and REMFs as well. And I can tell you absolutely that the most gung-ho of the two are the REMFs. The guys who were actually IN combat dislike talking about it. REMFs talk about little else.
I think they regret their praise of POTUS. Trump forgot about them a long time ago. It has to be devastating.
Aw, c’mon. That’s just his way of signaling to you “Have a great weekend!”
Whiny little bitch.
I though Republicans broke the Onion…
Good to see.
Let me get this straight…Boquist is suing to protect his dog given First Amendment right to threaten people with violence.
Damn straight, Thank you!
That look when the leopards got around to eating his face.
“send bachelors and come heavily armed”
Black guy says that, he dead. White guy, he gets to file a lawsuit to protect his rights.
Serpentine, Shel. Serpentine!
Well, the highly esteemed “lets all shield-behind-children and claim victory when the LAW doesn’t ‘kill kiddies’ to get us” © Bundy’s got away with their violent threats and actions, twice, thanks to corrupt, aka: republican, prosecutors & law system. Third time’s a charm, but for whom?
His admiration for murderous bullies who despise him is, is, I don’t know. But I do think democratic leaders should give it a try. Well, maybe pass on the murder part.