Originally published at: OPM’s Top Lawyer Is A ‘Raging Misogynist’ With A Plan To Break The Civil Service - TPM – Talking Points Memo
The top lawyer at the Office of Personnel Management is a self-described “raging misogynist” who for years has talked up a “campaign” to purge the federal civil service and staff it with MAGA diehards, per a series of previously unreported appearances on right-wing podcasts. As envisioned, this campaign would intimidate federal employees into resigning or…
Hmmm. Raging misogynist who likely can’t get a date (unless he pays for it). Figures.
“You hear the refrain, I can either spend my time working on policy or I can spend my time cleaning house and I can’t do both. And I think that needs to be broken. People need to understand that they need to clean house, so we need barn burners, people with backbone, it needs to be government wide so that everyone has air cover.”
I get the impression that the Heritage boys spent four years masturbating over their vivid revenge fantasies, imagining themselves the heroes who have to get “air cover.” Kloster is an excellent specimen of the counter-elites, seething with resentments, denigrating expertise and placing vengeance above all other pursuits.
This scumbucket doesn’t need to be confirmed, does he?
Gonna be lotsa people who will have learned the hard way that voting has consequences.
“Raging misogynist”
Quelle surprise…
When long time employees retire or quit, a lot of institutional memory goes out the door.
Back to the spoils system of the 19th century.
Mark Twain had thoughts.
After marching through downtown in support of Republican presidential nominee Rutherford B. Hayes, the legendary humorist called for an end to the spoils system. “We will not hire a blacksmith who never lifted a sledge,” he said on September 30, 1876. “We will not hire a schoolteacher who does not know the alphabet … but when you come to our civil service, we serenely fill great numbers of our minor public offices with ignoramuses.”
The speech landed on the front page of The New York Times. “That just goes to show how vital he is, how big his name is,” said Mallory Howard, assistant curator at the Mark Twain House & Museum in Hartford.
His real problem is that whenever a job needs expertise, he always loses out to women or members of minority groups with actual expertise. Just another piece of Trumpian filth.
Could someone actually ask Kloster for an example, outside of government that works in the system that he envisions? Because all of this as what we got away from in the 1800’s, so where’s the successful business model for what he is proposing?
Why is this a problem for him? A tenet of modern conservative thinking is that the government cannot accomplish anything. Installing incompetent replacements fits this worldview perfectly.
Are these fine folks like their God who knows nothing about what they they are talking about but continue to talk?
Will they be like their God and run down the dead or run down those who have nothing to do with what they are talking about?
Another day, another Dumpian Klosterfuck.
So who’s supposed to be King Louis the XIV and the French Nobility in his half-baked analogy? I’m not much of a historian. Whatever happened to King Louis and his descendants and the rest of the French Nobility in the end, anyway?
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”-attributed to Winston Churchill. I mean they let the cat out of the bag in Trump’s first maladministration when his boys built a gallows on the Mall.
Emphasis on “raging!”
From the context in which the quote about Louis XIV is mentioned, I get the sense that they’re trying to equate the career civil service (aka the “deep state”) to the French nobles and Washington DC to Versailles in their labored analogy, but who exactly is supposed to be Louis XIV? Obama? Joe Biden? It starts to break down. I imagine they see themselves as the French revolutionaries, when in reality they are the monarchists trying to make Donald Fucking Trump the first king of the USA, and themselves the nobility. In any case they are trying to restore the spoils system that existed before the Pendleton Act. It appears that It’s all half-baked nonsense and projection all the way down.
As a former federal employee, I have an opinion on this.
My opinion is that unless Trump can change the very laws protecting Civil Servants, assholes in management are not new nor do they really matter.
The first is that I don’t know how much this matters to those already federal employees. Most will do, what most people in general do, what they are told. That is to most it is a job to support themselves and their families and don’t much care about any higher calling.
To those who do care, they more likely than not already have experience fighting their bosses. I remember when I was reviewing defense contracts to make sure the Government was not being overcharged. To a group of about 10 a person came from headquarters to tell us any findings we had that did not get the contractor to agree with, meaning the contractor had control if they got to charge whatever they wanted regardless of the laws, the costs or the facts, he would personally kill the finding. I spent 15 minuets arguing with him. My coworkers were angry at me because it meant they had to stay those 15 minuets instead of getting home to their families. They did not give a damn about corporations overcharging the U.S. Government and were only their not for some higher calling but to pay their mortgages and kids education.
To those of us that it did matter, fuck um. That is with Civil Service protection, they could try and make my life miserable, but I was better at it then they were. Without getting into the details, a few years earlier someone tried to fire me because he claimed not to like my work whereby in the end I was able to make his staying untenable to him and his family and he had to leave Government service before I chose to.
I would suggest that
Because it is a half-baked reaction. I’m finding these Trump/Heritage folks to be lacking in knowing History, ours and the world’s.
I wonder what would happen to their brains if they had to participate in a debate, but the kicker would be defending the theory of something that they are opposed to. Could they do it? Or would their brains explode?
Another fat assed hard case.