Texas’ lieutenant governor on Thursday and said Democrats’ only chance at electoral success this year is through outright theft of the vote.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1341349
Texas’ lieutenant governor on Thursday and said Democrats’ only chance at electoral success this year is through outright theft of the vote.
When you are making excuses, you are loosing
Vote like your life depends on it because it does…
Silent part out loud… Why do these totalitarian patriarchal theocrats hate democracy so much?
Maybe he’s seeing the end of the days when all you have to do in Texas is stick an (R-TX) next to your name to win elections. That’s how he got elected.
This is the same guy who said older people should sacrifice themselves in the pandemic
Is Lt. Governor Patrick near the end of his life yet so he can save the economy?
This dumb SOB has it exactly bass ackwards. Also sounds like he is expecting Spanky to lose and the Senate to flip. As my Midwest wife would say " to bad so sad ".
Daniel Patrick is a stupid goon, also a dangerous, stupid goon because he is in an undeserving position of power.
Yessir. That’s the one. “There’s more important things than living.”
Just following the guidance of his commander in chief…
If any violence erupts in the wake of this election it will be entirely the fault of liars like Trump and this asshat.
After ruling Texas these miserable fks cannot IMAGINE people standing up and rejecting them. Abbot, Patrick and Paxton have been lying and threatening, blocking and whining for weeks.
You’ve been a 2-bit everything-- your entire life.
GTFO of Texas. Go somewhere and die for the economy.
Texas’ lieutenant governor on Thursday and said Democrats’ only chance at electoral success this year is through outright theft of the vote.
In other words, he and the rest of the GOP are totally trying to cheat and steal the election.
Only Way Dems Win Is Through Election Theft
Only Way Dan Patrick Stays Alive Is By Drinking The Blood of Texas Infants.
Explain to me how “Counting all legitimate votes” is STEALING an election?
Now I know that the most popular religion in Texas is FOOTBALL, so here is an analogy for you:
This statement by the most excremental Lt. Gov. in the USA is tantamount to saying: The HOME TEAM is the only one allowed to score points, and when they are leading AT HOME in the 3rd quarter, we STOP THE GAME and declare them the victor, because Reasons!
To a Republican, “Fair” is whatever you can get away with. and it shows…
Don’t let them “get away with it”. GOTV.
When Trump or Patrick say these things, they’re saying that Texans and Americans are cheaters and liars, terrible people who can’t be trusted. Why do they hate Americans? Why do they hate America?