Only Way Dems Win Is Through Election Theft, Texas Lt. Gov Says | Talking Points Memo

Even then he’d cheat or mess up somehow.


I think this is called “projection.”

Fuck these guys. To them, the only legitimate outcome is one where the GOP wins.


A post of mine from another thread

[There is going to have to be the biggest GOTV Operation for the Dems on Election Day that this country has ever had.

I say this in light of the valiant and courageous people who Early Voted.

Massive lines of Democracts (gauged as such by exit polling after vote) on Election Day will put the final nail in Trump’s coffin. It is doable (we have the numbers) and it is logistically possible. It would counteract the Court-based criminality the GOP has planned, and it would actually spur even more people to come out. Humans (especially Democrats) respond to waves of pent-up emotion .

And it would go a VERY long way for us.]


Wasn’t he going to give his life to keeping the economy going in Texas? What happened, Dan?


First off, Dan Patrick hasn’t yet sacrificed himself and died for the economy so that makes him a liar and a loser.

Second, Dan Patrick sees that the future is not one of white supremacy and minority rule. Even if the Republican party prevails in this election, the bottle that holds their ether has lost its stability and most definitely has an expiration date on it.

Third, someone should teach this motherfucker to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.


Oh, they can imagine the people rejecting them. Its just that they believe anyone who would do such a thing shouldn’t count. Its only democracy when they win.


Looks like Patrick picked the wrong election cycle to be Lt. Governor of Texas.


Harris County as of midnight last night-- 1.3M have voted early.
This morning-- updated to 1.4M. Exceeding the entire number of votes cast in the 2016 GE.

We’ve had polling locations open overnight for 36 straight hours-- until 7pm tonight.


It’s a very powerful post (in Texas).

He can still do a lot of harm.


Hey Dan:


If the president loses Pennsylvania or North Carolina, Mark, or Florida, they’ll lose it because they stole it.”

Like Trump, he’s signalling that the GOP will be sore losers even before they lose. In some situations, people will let them win to avoid the drama and hassle. This is a strategy that sociopaths often use.


The GOP has obviously come to the decision they are going to lose and lose big. All the whining in the world is not going to spare them what is coming their way. The loser stink clings to them.


Well we now know how the GOP plans to win in Texas.


Well, what do you expect coming from the mouth of a crook.

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It’s true. We defrauded 2 million additional Texans into registering and voting this year. We told them it was for line dancing lessons. Boy, were they surprised when they voted for Joe and Kamala instead!


“The Democrats have just decided this election, Mark, we don’t have to pay attention to any laws,” Patrick told radio host Mark Davis in an interview Thursday flagged by the Texas Tribune.

“We’re gonna use COVID as an excuse to steal the election, and that’s what they’re trying to do everywhere,” he added. “If the president loses Pennsylvania or North Carolina, Mark, or Florida, they’ll lose it because they stole it.”

  1. They’re desperate.

  2. The reverse is true.

  3. What’s Biden going to do? Say nothing? Exert no pressure of his own on GOP judges? Let GOP judges decide the case while under pressure only from the GOP and not the Dems? All in the name of keeping up a fiction that we have a functioning democracy and rule of law?


If the president loses Pennsylvania or North Carolina, Mark, or Florida, they’ll lose it because they stole it.”

I would like to remind the Lt. Governor that except 2016 (where Hillary Clinton lost by a mere 44,000 votes) Pennsylvania has voted blue for president since 1992.

2012 - Obama won Pennsylvania by 289,000 votes
2008 - Obama won Pennsylvania by 606,000 votes
2004 - Kerry won Pennsylvania by 144,000 votes
2000 - Gore won Pennsylvania by 205,000 votes
1996 - Clinton won Pennsylvania by 415,000 votes
1992 - Clinton won Pennsylvania by 447,000 votes

Even Gore and Kerry took the keystone state!


Yep. This guy’s shittin’ in his pants.


Yup, nothing projects strength and confidence like going into the Super Bowl whining about how the fix is in and the refs are all against you and the fans hate you and the other team are all cheaters.