One Week In, Ukrainians Hold On To Kyiv, Face Losses In South | Talking Points Memo

I know people here don’t like being reminded of this, but Russia gets something like 40% of its federal income from oil and gas sales, which have not been cut off yet because Europe and the US fear the economic shock on the world oil market.

The economic sanctions may have some effect on that with payments, and there will be secondary impacts with countries not allowing Russian ships to dock. But the oil and gas is still flowing. It’s the last remaining hammer that hasn’t been used, and Putin appears to be gambling that the West needs oil and gas more than they need to take his economy down completely. Russia won’t be bankrupt as long as they can sell oil and gas.


We didn’t have a stake in ending the Holocaust, either. European problem, dunno why we bothered.

Same thing in Kosovo, was merely mass murders of Europeans, why’d we bother.

These attitudes I expect to hear from MAGA, not from alleged liberals.


Russia Spy Chief Accuses US Of Trying To ‘Cancel’ Russian Statehood

WTF? Has Putin hired Republican political consultants? Next we know Putin will be saying that, no, the real reason for invading Ukraine is to get rid of BLM, Antifa and assorted transgender communists; that should get Fox News and Republicans in Congress to support hin again.


The Ukranians are starting to hit that column north of Kyiv. Here’s a twitter thread discussing why the ruskies aren’t getting off the road and going overland:

TL:DR bad maintenance due to corruption.


If true, that’s wonderful. However, in war, propaganda itself is a weapon.


It’s what Stalin and Beria would have done, so why not Putin?


War as you are familiar with it is not happening in Ukraine. But rest assured that we are most definitely at war with Russia at this very moment.

Joe Biden
“… and God bless our troops! …(raises fist) go get um!”
Concluding words of SOTU.

A former housemate of mine was a Delta Force medic. The places this dude would jump into from 60,000 feet to avoid radar detection would blow most folks geography challenged minds.
Make no mistake…we are in it…and in it to win it.
We just don’t need to broadcast that fact.


I’d be interested in anyone’s ideas what kind of possible off-ramp could be out there that Pootie would take. I’m having difficulty even brainstorming what that could be … ?


Oh isn’t that a twist. I am sure alleged liberals are for the destruction of the world.

Putin, like all dictators, lives in an echo chamber of sycophants who tell him what he wants to hear.
So yes, he is delusional. Insane? Perhaps.


It strikes me that perhaps a planned war IS a major mistake? Especially this one?

OTOH…what can anyone say one way or another to Putin? He is cornered. There is no where for him to go.

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Lol yes! You’ll never guess where Rumble is situate.

About a 1/2 hour walk from me. It’s a Canadian platform. It’s odd because because when I first became aware of them they were a company that promoted more artistic and commercial makers of content. They also paid well. For instance, a Dutch nature videographer who uses my soundtracks was invited to join. Next thing you know the videos were being shown at various Natural History type museums in the States and elsewhere.


I agree about the loss of those areas and what Zelenskyy probably wants but that is what negotiating is about and right now the other side of the equation is he loses everything. There is hardly a scenario short of WWIII in which Ukraine wins this conflict that I can see. Doesn’t mean there isn’t one.


Putin’s “off ramp” is a 9mm bullet to the base of his skull.


Yes although with one qualification: 6 million dead in 42 months.


Ah the proverbial Happy Ending.


If it lifted your spirit, even for a min., then it worked!


Was it the Russian UN ambassador who said yesterday Trump was the truly elected POTUS?


That would be grand! Magari.


No they couldn’t. Please educate yourself on this and don’t just assume things.

I swear, the best thing Biden could do right now is create some PSA’s about the US and NATO nuclear capability (the only ones that matter in NATO are UK and France), and that of Russia. Start with the current arms control agreements in place, and why they’ve been successful so far in keeping the peace.

I know I’m an old fart, old enough to dimly remember “duck and cover” practice in elementary school, but I’m starting to think we have a major problem in this country with people just not being aware that we’re still in the nuclear standoff that we’ve been in for 45 years. I get reminded of it every time I see one of the Ohio-class boomers sailing out of the strait near my hometown. I guess it’s a little more immediate for me, it’s not something abstract.