It’s now been more than one week since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, bringing what at first seemed to be the full power of Russia’s military to bear on its neighbor.
Sadly, it was reparations and other certainly justified impositions on Germany after WWI that led directly to WW2. Victors making extractions from losers, even losers who instigated wars and who violated humanitarian conventions, seems only to lead to more anger and more war.
If Putin manages to kill Zelensky, they will create a martyr of extreme proportions. Revered martyrs inspire hundreds of thousands to fight even harder, the elderly, the too young, anyone without a nursing infant will be hiding in the shadows to pick off the enemy and then fade away. No Russian occupier will ever be safe.
I wish that Biden and Macron would not keep telling Putin he’s made a major mistake, etc. That’s too obvious a thing to say, and, if he hears it, will probably make him more entrenched.
Better to tell Putin that he needs to stop this now, for the good of all. Let there be peace. Kind of like Ronald Reagan saying, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”
So, there are now sanctions on Russia that will probably keep them ruined for years, however, in the mean time, they are continuing to destroy Ukraine. In the beginning it seemed like Ukraine could fight back and keep the evil doers at bay.
Now, I’m really wondering how the world can allow one country to go in and destroy/displace millions of people.
I know, I know WWIII but they need help.
I am sanguine about any remaining political will of the American people being resolved once gas passes $4 a gallon average everywhere, let alone higher. And if we have a new Covid-19 variant wave, it’s looking even uglier, although I hope it can help undo Russia and their army as well.
But all this is relative piffle compared to the trauma of Ukraine and my dark thoughts as a descendant of Holocaust survivors, some from that very part of the world.
Pretty much. It’s what happens every time. We keep saying “never again”, then we wait for things to happen again before, shocked, we decide at some point after way too many people have already been killed that maybe we need to do something about it.
Putin and Macron had “a frank exchange of views on the situation around Ukraine,” the Kremlin’s press service said Thursday, according to Russian state news agency TASS. … … … … …
Putin to Macron:
We’re gonna take Ukraine
Macron to Putin:
Fuck you asshole. How’s that convoy doing out there stuck in mud wasting fuel?
The Oligarchs hopefully can see 1) all their frozen assets will be appropriated by the west to settle refugees and to rebuild Ukraine, 2) the only way to stop this is to remove Putin. Problem is they’ve been using Putin as their fixer for so long, they are no doubt at loose ends figuring out how to fix the fixer.
It’s for domestic consumption. Saying that Zelensky will face a military tribunal is a way to reinforce the narrative that Ukraine was somehow threatening Russia’s security, justifying the invasion. Of course it sounds like bullshit to the rest of the world.
With Russia’s increasing isolation and pariah status, every announcement like this has to be read as internal propaganda to keep the proles in line.
Define “allow.” Because as far as I can tell, the response of “the world” so far is to wreck Russia’s shit. Or do you think that we “allow” Russia’s invasion just because we haven’t prompted a nuclear apocalypse?
Patience. Putin is not going to win. He’s going to get a ton of people killed, but he’s not going to win.