One Month Closer To The 2022 Midterms, It’s (Maybe) A Deal | Talking Points Memo

She knows what she is doing, which makes her much, much, worse than a fool.

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Does she know that her voters are tired of her?

According to the survey, which was conducted from June 28 to July 6th, Sinema is viewed favorably by 38 percent of voters, compared to 47 percent for Kelly and 51 percent for Biden—all of whom were elected in recent years by similar margins to Sinema. (Republican Gov. Doug Ducey’s favorability sits at 44 percent.) The numbers are more stark when you look at the partisan breakdown. Sinema is viewed favorably by just 42 percent of Democrats (with 39 percent viewing her unfavorably), while Kelly, who was elected narrowly last fall, is at 75 percent favorability with just 17 percent viewing him unfavorably. Biden? He’s doing just fine according to Arizona Democrats, with 95 percent viewing him positively.

After voters were read a script linking the filibuster to Republican obstruction, 66 percent of Democrats said that if given the chance in a 2024 Senate primary, they would “vote for a different candidate who would get rid of the filibuster.”

There’s one silver lining in all these numbers for Sinema. The poll also indicates she’s far more popular among Republicans than either Kelly or Biden. More than twice as popular, in fact.


I’m guessing she’d give your comment a perky “thumbs down”.

It’s her go-to move.


Now, now, there’s no fecall for that kind of crap.


Tom Cotton: “Actually, I asked if Chuck is going to gold-plate every rail in the NYC subway system. He’s asking for enough money to do that.”

What a dumb fuck!!! And he thinks he’s being cute with this bullshit.


Thinking of ya :slight_smile:

Abbot Howard Hoffman, better known as Abbie Hoffman, was an American political and social activist who co-founded the Youth International Party and was a member of the Chicago Seven. He was also a leading proponent of the Flower Power movement.

No, Never-Trumpers. It’s not difficult to start a new Party. Have you ever seen the effect of a teeny, tiny, teeny, teeeenyyy hole in a balloon? It’s total.

Abbie would have smoked one before he popped the balloon, but that would have been breaking the law. Funny. Not now… lol

Dump Trump. Please. For Abbie : - )


You wish it were so.

I think you can. I think Schumer should create a second version of both bills, but one in which all funds that might have gone to WV are redirected to AK, and then tell Manchin and Murkowski that he’s going to bring up the original for vote first, and if it fails, he’ll bring up the AK-favoring one. Then let each one whip the votes. See who has more friends.
This actually works with WV, because the other senator is a trumpanzee, and no one cares if she gets fucked over. It doesn’t work as well for Sinema and AZ because the other AZ senator is a Dem.


Senator (Koch Industries) is more popular among Republicans than among Democrats. I suspect those Republicans will still vote for the Republican.


Enough of this! Both of you just scat!


Whoever is paying her.


OK. I’m pooped, anyway.


“In my state there’s no point in a rail system as there isn’t a single place worth going to.”

  • Tommy (“Hell no I ain’t gonna pick my own…”) Cotton
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Her posturing is absolutely moronic. She faces reelection when the Presidency is also up for grabs. It’s in her critical self-interest that the administration be seen as effective and successful to bring out thankful Democratic voters.

She can’t win if Biden’s agenda fails, so she needs to be doing everything she can to help it succeed. Whoever is advising her is less competent than Trump.


Shit just got real.

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Gold plating? This shitter is less full of shit than Tom Cotton.


But it doesn’t just help large urban areas. Light rail and busing helps rural areas too small for an airport, too. Trucking just isn’t the best way to get goods from place to place, and rural rail networks that incorporate light rail make moving things to market easier even when they’re not massive enough to need rail freight.


Her official name is “Preening Phony”.


Doesn’t pass the smell test  ; - )

I may have crossed threads…lol… sorry

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