From the vantage point of this writing, things look very similar to the way they did almost exactly one month ago, on June 24. On that day, a bipartisan group of senators stood outside the White House and toasted the fact that, in spite of their differences, representatives from our two parties had come together in the spirit of comity to agree on the outlines of an infrastructure deal.
“suggesting that while she’s open to a second piece of legislation she won’t vote for one with that much spending she feels her self-centered antics of mugging for the camera and pretending to be a fiscal scold while fucking up the Democratic party’s efforts to help the American people has been a successful one FOR HER that she wishes to revisit upon the reconciliation bill”
Reducing the 2024 election to the age-old question:
Do you want to elect the candidate who can ploddingly fix potholes?
Or the one who can entertainingly destroy government, civil society, and democracy?
Jesus. Put the fucking mass transit funding back in. Mass transit means fewer vehicles on the road, which means less wear and tear on the road, which means less money needed later for maintenance.
Problem is, AOC is playing right into the strategy Sinema and Manchin are being PAID to engage in, which is to eventually turn this into no reconciliation package at all in such a way that the right wing propaganda machine and the MSM will both be saying “the far left just blew up the Democrats reconciliation bill.” Both of them will then go back to their states to crow about having established their “moderate” or “centrist” bona fides while making soft grunting noises about what a shame it was that no agreement on a reconciliation bill was able to be reached because of “some peoples’” extremist views.
I’m willing to bet they start by refusing to agree to any climate change measures like funding alternate energy projects or encouraging electric vehicle use (like, for example, Biden’s suggestion of putting the charging stations along major highways)…then they will move on to attacking shit that would primarily help urban people and areas, especially POC.
Republican are opposed to anything that helps large urban areas which is what mass transit does which is why mass transit is more suited for a reconciliation then a “bipartisan” bill.
That said, Manchin and Sinema need to be told and made to understand that it will not pass the House until a reconciliation bill passes the Senate.
Does Sinema know that Lake Powell and Lake Mead have reached lows that have never been reached before? Does she know that her state will be running out of water, um, VERY SOON? God almighty, the idiocy is just stupefying.
We can’t do anything about Manchin, but Sinema needs to be primaried and Dems need a good candidate now, early, so we can help them raise a war chest to beat/stomp her blueturd (dogs are great friends to people) ass.
Let the preening commence! Manchin and Sinema will do their little dance and shake their fingers just before they take credit for the work of other people.
I’m not all spit and vinegar. It amazes me that any Republicans would agree to help anyone, anywhere who isn’t obscenely wealthy.