WASHINGTON (AP) — For a moment, Congress had a chance to act on a policing overhaul, mobilized by a national trauma and overwhelming public support. Those efforts have stalled now and seem unlikely to be revived in an election year.
Police reform, gun control legislation and pandemic relief bill gridlocks can be attributed to the GOP/R’s being the Party of NO since Obama became president!
And credit for being an UNTRUSTWORTHY GREEDY CROOKS as public servants/legislators = MoscowMitch + Donald Treasonous Traitorous Terrorist Trump for doubling down against We The People!
Latest known unconscionable and UnAmerican acts of Trump are - doing nothing against Putin ordering bounty on US soldiers in Afghanistan and withdrawing federal support for Covid testing…
All told Trump and the Germ-Over-People Party are killing Americans!
TPM: don’t do the mainstream media story about congress failing to act. As people point out this is a GOP failure to take anything anti-racist seriously.
It’s also telling that the only thing that the representatives for Republican lawmakers was “Oh, it’s not us, it’s the President.”
Expecting us to somehow forget how both Boehner and Ryan went out of their way to do nothing during Pres. Obama’s two terms (other than push legislation to destroy the ACA and demand more massive tax cuts for the rich).
Sadly, that’s part & parcel of what the Republicans want. If they can get the bulk of the nation to believe that the federal government can’t do anything, they can run roughshod over the entire nation with no one to stop them from doing it.
What I call “Tar Brush” journalism is a subset of bothsiderism. It dilutes attribution of accountability by tarring both sides with the same brush when it is clearly one side that is recalcitrant or at fault. “Congress” when it is clearly the GOP’s doing.
Oh, btw, WAPO was able to corroborate the NYT story about Russian intelligence efforts to put bounties on the killing of American soldiers in Afghanistan. But WAPO headlines cleary point out that the operation was focused on all NATO and coalition troops.
It’s latest example of how partisanship and polarization on Capitol Hill have hamstrung Congress’ ability to meet the moment and respond meaningfully to public opinion.
ARGHHH… it’s not partisanship and poarization… it’s the assholiness of the GOP
This is the worst kind of both-sides bullshit. There is one party that is trying to change things, and one party blocking any kind of meaningful reform, and we all know which party is which. I am so sick of the “Congress is unable to act” garbage. The GOP is destroying this country, and supposed journalists at the AP refuse to state that plainly and clearly.
They go to Michael Steel…the freaking ex republican speaker’s spox…to get a quote on bothsiderism.
And that’s part of the bigger problem with “bothsiderism”…it rewards republicans. Its a win-win for them. Play to their base, get votes, money and are given free rein by the media to control and define the narrative.
McConnell said Democrats refused to take him at his word that he was willing to negotiate over the final bill, and he pitched a supposedly fair and freewheeling floor debate.
This dude literally calls himself the “Grim Reaper”. In the midst of a global recession, he said his highest priority was to make Obama a one-term President. And, certainly, we all remember him holding back Merrick Garland’s nomination to SCOTUS in 2016, though he now says he would fast track a Trump nomination today, if a seat became available. This is the guy whining about not being trusted?