Danielle Stella, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN)’s Republican challenger, has apparently had a few run-ins with the law this year.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1238179
Danielle Stella, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN)’s Republican challenger, has apparently had a few run-ins with the law this year.
“They say ‘If it’s worth owning, it’s worth stealing.’”
— George Ives, professor of Mass Media, North Idaho College, circa 1988
Maybe he was right. What you say Danielle Stella? (Stella. Stella!)
ETA D’oh! That’s pretty obvious.
Stella, a 31-year-old special education teacher, was reported this week to be a supporter of the baseless “QAnon” conspiracy theory about Donald Trump battling a global cabal of elite liberal paedophiles.
Sounds like she’s on the wrong side of the desk.
"The more laws and order are made prominent,
The more thieves and robbers there will be.
Lao-tzu (604 BC - 531 BC),"
" Omar’s GOP Challenger Was Arrested For Allegedly Shoplifting At A Target" OUCH !!!
It’s a set up says Stella. You can’t spell “I stole quality cat merchandise” without “the squad.”
“I am not guilty of these crimes,” Stella told the Guardian. “In this country I am innocent until proven guilty and that is the law.”
Certainly true. It’s also true that you shouldn’t be harassed for your skin color or religion as an American by the President, nor should you be asked to leave the country for exercising your first amendment right to criticize the country when it falls short of its ideals.
Danielle Stella, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN)’s Republican challenger, has apparently had a few run-ins with the law this year.
Pure genius.
She seems nice
She might not be the best choice by the GOP. Just saying.
In the Guardian article she claims to suffer from anxiety and usually has to have someone go with while she shops. Now I’m not making fun of her condition but is campaigning to be a member of Congress with her anxiety issues the best career choice?
Sounds like a well-qualified Republican candidate, although they prefer crooks who have not been caught.
She wants to up her game from shoplifting to grifting.
That’s kind of silly. She should’ve just bought it and if she didn’t like it she could send it back! Get it?!
Fake news, obviously: Republicans wouldn’t dare shop lift in Target since Target believes in treating human beings with dignity.
Quoted without comment, no pun intended
Also from the Guardian article, she clearly has the utmost respect for LE officers -
Court records say that in 2009, Stella pleaded guilty to driving while impaired from alcohol and fleeing a police officer. The latter charge was prosecuted as a felony but later classified as a gross misdemeanour as part of Stella’s plea.