Ohio Republicans Use Last-Ditch Gambit To Infuse Ballot Proposal With Anti-Abortion Language

Supporters of the major upcoming Ohio abortion amendment, which would enshrine a right to the procedure in the state’s constitution, thought they were out of the woods. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1467177
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The same type of re-writing is happening in MO. The only Republican in the executive branch that is following the rules for a ballot initiative is the Treasurer. The un-elected AG-Bailey, to Ashcroft as SoS they both are trying to twist the language.


One thing is for sure - no one on the Republican side gives a damn what the will of the people actually is.


The GOP tries to abuse any amount of power they hold, skirting laws and norms, which they believe are for suckers. They used to be such Buckley/Rockefeller snobs who insinuated only Democrats were improper and grasping, and now have become the party of Plutocratic Honey Badgers.



Get this to circuit court ASAP. Because the state court sure won’t be impartial. The GQP can’t win without cheating, as usual. Ohio needs to throw these bums out.


That’s been true ever since Bob Dole decided that adding the votes for him and Perot in 1992 meant that the majority of people didn’t want Clinton, who was therefore an “illegitimate” president. Naturally, not a single Republican bothered to mention that when you added the votes for Perot and Clinton, more people didn’t want the Republicans in charge. But that would require honesty, something they’ve been lacking ever since they got down on their knees in front of the trickle down money spigot.


The Republican Party’s supposed platform that they are “pro-life” is a perversion of the truth and language. It is a lie.


“The chocolate ration will be increased from 30 grams per week to 20 grams per week.”


They consider their voters so stupid and passive that when they inadvertently vote for something they didn’t want, they will forget about it next election. I mean, yeah, that unfortunately happens - but I suspect not with abortion.


Please vote for our pro-women, pro-children, wholesome family amendment that just may make it harder for someone else (not you) to terminate their pregnancy.


Always allow an unborn child to be aborted at any stage of pregnancy, regardless of viability…

I surprised they just didn’t go with “Always allow the precious unborn child to be murdered at any stage of pregnancy, even if viable…”

And then there’s the question of “viability.” Now there’s a word that can be redefined to extreme restriction. At a minimum it could be construed to mean an infant who might well be born alive, but who will certainly live just a few minutes or hours of pain and distress before being “called home to his/her loving father.”


I never could stand Bob Dole. A snarly, bitter man, more and more so as he aged. Remember when he was running for president and labelled WW II a “Democrat war”?


I doubt the new summary is going to have much of an effect. I bet the abortion advocates will still win.

Anecdotal Source: Am an annoying vegan who never persuaded anyone (and only annoys people) by referring to the practice of eating meat as “needlessly and violently killing a sentient entity”.


I’m an editor, and I am impressed at the anti-editing on display here. It takes real talent to obfuscate that well.

Also, what a bunch of anti-democratic assholes. Again.


So there are now government approved grievance “translators”? Aka ass-hats.


Goddamit! What happened to the good ole’ days, when you could just stage a coup and call it even? Now it’s all work, work, work every time you need to circumvent the democratic process, seize power, and dictate your dogma to the masses.


I lived in Missouri when they put stem cell therapy on the ballot. I was and am firmly in favor of allowing it, but that ballot language was so confusing that I switched my vote back and forth upwards of a dozen times before I figured out which answer aligned with my views, and I went into the ballot box informed about the issues.


Goobers in Ohio are not gonna listen to what the clear majority of people in Ohio want. The goobers would happily kill democracy to get their way


The Chocolate ration will be increased from 1/3 kilogram to 1/4 kilogram.


Substitute “rape” for “sexy fun time.” “Puppies” are now “rabid wolves.” “Clean water” is “drowning deathtrap.” Etc.