Ohio Republicans Are Pushing Through Gerrymandered Districts

We should retire the name FOX, in honor of their superlative mastery of massaging – yes, massaging – toxicity into something palatable to dozens of people ; - )

I’m serious. Retire the word completely from the English language. Pick another name for those… animals too. They won’t care… lol

In creating a system which allows a minority to overcome the will of the majority, these short-sighted fools will ultimately drive the majority into the streets–as the only means to effectively express their will. By calling down the thunder, the republicans may one day be struck by the lightning.


In the Republican Handbook. Page 1.

Unfortunately they think the same of us.

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One of the best comments I’ve ever read at Lawyers, Guns, & Money:

It’s been ten years now since I watched a focus group of Republican voters refuse to believe the GOP budget plan was real because it was so cartoonishly evil. Now we’re in a situation where the average voter doesn’t believe anything they hear because Republicans tell unbelievable lies about Democrats, and Democrats tell unbelievable truths about Republicans.


You gotta admit, the Republican Party is a big tent.

It has some very nice people. It also has a lot of showbiz people. A lot LOT of militant authoritarians. Guys always talking about taxes. Guys too dumb to come out of the global warming. People who disagree with Republicans on everything except abortion. Gun advocates who like to see chicks in tight jeans. Gun advocates who are scared to talk to chicks in tight jeans…


The Supreme Court (gerrymandering) and McConnell (SC justices) both have “Too close to the election” lines that are both ephemeral and malleable to Republicans’ needs. Their party just has to run the clock enough that the authorities have the fig leaf of legitimacy to their decisions.



the right to marry

This is from One Corinthians… that good ole First One of those wonderful Corinthians… who voted for Trump, by the way…

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
1 Corinthians 13

the right to marry

Apparently, Republicans want the Supreme Court to pick who can’t.


Republicans do not believe in equal justice under law.


They’re not “Putinists”, they’re puppets of the oligarchs, both Russian and the West, they are not actors of the common good. Hell one of them is in the House of Lords. They are bought and paid for, and beneficiaries of this largesse. Yes, some are Christi-fascists, but they are just the useful idiots of the rich and powerful. Never forget that.


And at that point, they have to hope the Democrats are being lead by Nelson Mandela.


“Prostitutes” also works.

Or putains, if they want to use a fancy term.


I e never understood, but then again, that’s humanity. The fiight will always be thus, as it always has been. No Trekkie, but as much as I wish for Gene Roddenberry future, I think a Martian Chronicles ending is much more in line.

And Gaia may be comfortable with that.


Girlfriends Of Putin.


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


But according to the cited article, "We hold that the congressional-district plan is invalid in its entirety because it unduly favors the Republican Party and disfavors the Democratic Party [emphasis added] in violation of the (Ohio Constitution),” Justice Michael Donnelly wrote for the majority opinion. That sounds like political, not racial, gerrymandering, something the Supreme Court said is outside its jurisdiction. Surely the Court of Not Political Hacks would respect its own precedence.

@drriddle I wrote my screed before reading down one more comment. At least I’m in good company.


From the above, " The secretary wasn’t happy about it: In a letter to state lawmakers last week, LaRose took shots at the Biden administration, for what he said was an “intentional” delay of Census data, at the state Supreme Court for its “ever-changing orders,” and at lawsuits over the maps that he said sought to cause “chaos and confusion” in the state — “bankrolled by out of state special interests ultimately seeking court ordered gerrymandering for partisan advantage.”

So I guess we should send this guy and all his constituents all the article about how the Trump Administration did a terrible no good job on that census data which was handed to Biden.

Honestly I could go on and on as this is an easy one to find information on. Their arguments are BS. They are bad at research but they are angry and ready to place all ills on the Dems and Libs (whoever that is). The GOP position is basically the US would be awesome of the libs and dems just disappeared, does that seem un-American? I mean is it not the most unamerican thing to hate your fellow Americans? Not to mention it is certainly not a position any church I have ever visited would have.


Your post reminded me that I hadn’t heard much about the Census for quite a while. It seemed information dried up when Trump stopped screwing it up.

It saddens me to hear of the damage Trump and the pandemic had. It’s a big hole that can’t be replaced. We’ve possibly left our children some surprises when they stumble out of “reality show” and into reality in the next decade.

Thanks for the info!


Please pardon my crude language, but fucking Republicans…they can’t win fairly, so they cheat.