Ohio Is Home To Dozens Of Extremist Groups Angry About Its Changing Demographics

Originally published at: Ohio Is Home To Dozens Of Extremist Groups Angry About Its Changing Demographics - TPM – Talking Points Memo

This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. It was originally published at The Conversation. The first time many Americans heard about Springfield, Ohio, came during the September 2024 presidential debate when Donald Trump falsely claimed that Haitian immigrants in the city were eating other residents’ cats and dogs. Though shocking,…

Dozens of Extremist groups?

But don’t they just fit in that one big deplorable basket called “Republicans” ?


The youngsters use the word Ohio to mean “cringe-bad-weird.”




Patriot Front is the answer to the question - What if all the guys whose fathers left their mothers for men got together online, then went about the streets, all dressed the same, after standing nipple to nipple in Ryder vans for hours driving in from out of state?

Thing about White Supremacists is if you get them in a room with other white people, they are without question the least fortunate among them. The too thin, the staggeringly obese, the ugly, the dumb, the vicious. Check the photographs. These people are the disadvantaged, generally, other than the skin.


My first thought just after seeing the photo & the headline was that these are the same guys who wouldn’t wear a mask to save their (and others’) lives.


It is no accident that J.D. Vance is a product of OH. Or, vice versa.
After ready Hillbilly Eulogy I threw it in the trash. It was a book club selection but I don’t remember our discussion. I do remember being disturbed by it because it was so disingenuous and his analysis and remedies were upsetting. He had an agenda and it felt all wrong. It was about a time when factory jobs were exported with nothing to replace them in affected areas. He blamed the victims, many in his family.


The same blame game politics where the true villains of this story are the American oligarchs that left the state and nobody ever thinks that they (The AOs) are the reason why the quality of life declined in those small towns.

It’s always the dark man with the accent. Those people are ruining my quality of life.

It’s high time the pitchforks came out to the right people for a change. But we know how that goes.

More rinse and repeat history!


So basically TCF’s base. Who could possibly have seen this coming, after hearing Mango Mussolini speak?


I hate Ohio Nazis too.


I swear that there is some sort of economic illiteracy among Trumpers, White Nationalists, and just plain old salt of the earth racists. Didn’t we get reporting on where these Haitians were working? If even half of the Haitian population got jobs then that’s an economic boom for the surrounding area. Why were the plant/factory owners speaking up if Haitian workers weren’t making the owner’s a profit.


“The white supremacist group Patriot Front march in formation”

Pretty raggedy-ass formation. These dipshits have as much discipline as a herd of kittens.


FWIW I visited friends in Springfield, Ohio, in March of 1965. It was the weekend of the famous all-white Kentucky all-black Texas Western NCAA championship basketball game. One of the news stories that weekend, with film of the event, was a nearby KKK rally.



Why are these brave protectors of the white race afraid to show their faces?

Cowards of the COUNTRY.


The owner of the factory that employs so many Haitian workers praised them and is now receiving death threats.


And they did it all by themselves. They’re intellectually lazy, uncurious and stunted emotionally. Those disadvantaged by circumstance deserve a helping hand. The Stoopids are as narcissistic as Lardass. They deserve nothing and get no sympathy from me.


We’ll see. Odds are you’re right but watching when Harris becomes POTUS Harris, and who she replaces (or doesn’t), the next year will give us clues. Like if she replaces FTC Commissioner Lina Khan with someone from the business world, you’d be correct. If she stays with people like Khan the future will be bright.

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We’ll be lucky if the cosplay warriors sit this one out. Gun magazines have been prepping their readers for years for this cataclysmic battle. (Of course, race is never mentioned.) The election is a culminating event. The wannabees can deploy their tactical sporks and the ex-military men can display their skill sets to a fawning audience. Loneliness will be assuaged and a sense of purpose will emerge. At last idle young men have a job to do: save the country.

It’s important to remember the role gun manufacturers and their spokesmen have played in creating this “sense of purpose” in order to sell product. See exhibit A. This ad is from 2002 and is steeped in 9/11 paranoia but the vibe remains the same: It’s a jungle out there. You are a hero and here are your supergloves and your marching orders. Additional gear may be necessary to fulfill your obligation as protector of the realm.

Ever lived in a neighborhood in the midst of white flight?
I have. It’s almost comical. People without a pot to pee in running from people they despise.


They entered high school illiterate; left illiterate and with learning nothing.
I’ve seen high school juniors reading at a 4th grade level.

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