Ocasio-Cortez Chastises Yoho For ‘Refusing Responsibility’ For Offensive Remarks

“I know that Yoho apologized today, we don’t think that’s enough, we’re not finished,” Bass said.

Fixing it here for you, Madam Congresswoman.

“I know that Yoho did not apologized today. We don’t think that’s enough, we’re not nearly finished with his pasty white ass,” Bass said.

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“I know that Yoho apologized today, we don’t think that’s enough, we’re not finished,” Bass said.

Um, uttering the word “apology” does not constitute an apology.

as he continued his descent from the Capitol, joined by Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX)

The “Impossible Dream” guy? I thought he died.

Or like this woman did:


I wonder why his parents didn’t go for the trifecta by naming him Richard instead of Robert?


Rep. AOC, I love you to death. But Yoho is a Republican. What did you expect?


Coulda been worse. Coulda been Richard Clayderman - you know, the guy on the commercials at 2:30 AM during the 80s and 90s who sold 87 billion records, but, for some strange reason, no one ever heard of.

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“I cannot apologize for my passion, or for loving my God, my family, and my country,” Yoho said.

But none of those things made you a misogynist creep, boo. Just like none of 'em made you a miserable gutless shit who would rather die than accept responsibility.

Harley Quinn: “We need a nemesis! Lex Luthor has Superman, Sinestro has Green Lantern, Psycho has his own inability to refrain from using the c-word–”
Dr. Psycho: “My nemesis is Wonder Woman! …THAT CU–okay, I see what you’re saying.”

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They don’t call him Woody for nothin’…

Ah yes, the ever ready “The Passion Made Me Do It” argument.
Listen to Hannity awhile and you will hear this frequently. Hannity gets caught dead wrong about something and it’s “I can’t help myself. I’m so passionate about …I’m.

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Not only that, but he was also a genuine refugee himself. Left Germany in 1933.

In fact, my favorite fact about Casablanca is that many of the actors had fled from Nazism. In the classic scene of drowning out Die Wacht am Rhein with La Marseillaise, some of those tears were genuine.

Hell of a powerful movie. I can watch it over and over again.


Every time a woman in Congress speaks, she should point out that Rep Yoho claims to be a man who loves his family, his country, and G*d, yet he uses foul language and supports policies that result in the deaths and suffering of countless people and has yet to really apologize for his abusive language–he has, in fact, defended it. No foul or abusive language in the comments. Don’t give him a reason to whine that they are using bad language to describe him. Like Cato the Censor did about Carthage. (“Carthage should be destroyed”-- he always remembered to call for its destruction.)


It’s really sad that we’ve all gotten so good at parsing these announcements out with a fine toothed comb. There’s been so much practice.


Good for her, you either apologize or you don’t.

He went out of his way to not.

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He played in The Cabinet Of Doctor Caligari but, I don’t think in Nosferatu.

Could be. But some sources list Nosferatu, FWIW.

Hey Ted, before you run away back to Florida, do you suppose you could show us where in the Bible God calls somebody a “fucking bitch”?

Cause I just can’t find it.

His face is a cartoon drawing of his face.

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