Ocasio-Cortez Chastises Yoho For ‘Refusing Responsibility’ For Offensive Remarks

What I heard was Yoho saying he didn’t say something nasty to her- he never said those words didn’t come out of his mouth. Is that what you all heard in the “apology”?


But Yoho said that the “offensive name-calling words” attributed to him by the press were “never spoken by me to my colleagues and if they were construed that way I apologize for their misunderstanding.”

I don’t even understand this nonapology. If he’s denying saying “fucking bitch”, than how could he be misconstrued?

Also, he’s questioning the Hill reporter’s integrity. Whoever he or she is, I hope it’s on tape or that he also calls out Yoho for lying.


What? No I’m sorry if you were offended apology that they generally go with.

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The nonpology, an old republican go-to. Usually it’s just along the lines of “I’m sorry if you were offended”, but Yoho’s nonpology goes well beyond the pale. I’m glad someone with power is calling him, and therefore them, out on it. His behavior was outrageous, as was his statement. Sadly, some of his constituents are undoubtedly cheering him on.

I can’t wait for this republican-induced nightmare to be over. Thanks, Newt. Asshole.


Well, there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn’t advise you to try to invade.


Ha…I typed my comment with this same phrase simultaneously.

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She may have a hard time distinguishing them from her Tic Tacs®…


When was the last time anyone heard a Republican accept responsibility for anything at all? Why expect one to start now? Actually apologize? Pffft.


I really hate how much the current news looks like the flashback scenes in The Handmaid’s Tale.


So if he never said what is being attributed to him, what exactly is he apologizing for?


God, what a mallet-head.

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“I cannot apologize for my passion, or for loving my God, my family, and my country,” is not technically an apology.

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AOC is out-Joni Ernst’ing Joni Ernest in cutting to the chase.


I wouldn’t trust Ted Yoho further than I could throw Eric Cartmen.


Brilliantly put. Thank you for your wordsmithing!


This really is a spectacular non-apology, though. It should be enshrined as a new standard. He apologized for others misunderstanding, and told us what he couldn’t apologize for that no one asked him to apologize for. It really ticks all the boxes and more!


Just used the very same clip last night, in another context. Interesting nugget, perhaps unfamiliar to a few: Conrad Veidt, who played Major Strasser, had himself appeared in Nosferatu, and subsequently fled the Nazis. As with Rossolini’s Roma or or City of Algiers, it must have been wild for someone who was actually a veteran/key actor in WWII (or the Algerian rebellion) to appear in a fictional film based upon remarkably recent events.


But Yoho said that the “offensive name-calling words” attributed to him by the press were “never spoken by me to my colleagues and if they were construed that way I apologize for their misunderstanding.”

Well, there’s the tell: “to my colleagues”. I think what everyone very accurately understood, Ted, is that you were overheard muttering under your breath something you didn’t have the balls to say to your colleague’s face, and that you are now sorry you got caught and outed.


He’s saying he never said “fucking bitch” TO HER FACE. He turned away and muttered the words, although not to the colleague walking with him.

Essentially, “I was just talking to myself when I said that (even though someone overheard it), so it shouldn’t count.”


If we have learned nothing else, the ME TO movement has taught us all what a non-apology apology really is and how to call it out! Yea to AOC

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