Obama Warns Of ‘Dangerous Path’ With GOPers Refusing To Accept Trump’s Defeat

Former President Barack Obama raised the alarm over how a majority of the GOP is throwing its support behind President Donald Trump as he falsely denies that he lost the election to President-elect Joe Biden and spouts bogus accusations of voter fraud.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1344462

I don’t know how to handle so much sanity and reason right now. /s


Obama Warns of ‘Dangerous Path’

A well-worn path, rapidly approaching an abyss.

(h/t to Eudora Welty)


Reduced by the politics of spite, on this Friday the 13th I can gain some small pleasure by imagining the sputtering rage of Trump and the Confederate Trumpvirus Party as they watch their better gain more adulation and real record breaking book sales in a pandemic economy.


Obama didn’t walk out of the interview?


Speak the truth, Mr. President. This country needs to hear your voice. We as a Nation need to reset the narrative. And the Republican Party, which has remained silent for the past four years and who probably thought they could control and use Trump to their advantage, have not used their voices. Four Republican Senators could have saved a large fraction of the estimated 145,000 US citizens unnecessarily killed by the direct inactions of this administration, but they put their careers ahead of the US people. Please continue to help the reset of expectations of how we operate.


No. In fact Scott Pelley has been trying unsuccessfully to end it now for 12 hours.


The GOPpers simply don’t care…they are mouthing support for Donnie while hatching their nefarious plans to screw the country by denying the Democrats a single ‘win’. I’m sure the new ‘sequester’ plan is in progress because NOBODY spends/gives away taxpayer money like the Republicans…and then blame the Dems for making them do it.


True words

I guess it is difficult to stop someone in the middle of something, interesting, eloquent and important.


“It is one more step in delegitimizing not just the incoming Biden administration, but democracy generally.”

Er, that’s the point.

  • gerrymandered districts
  • voter suppression and intimidation
  • gutting the VRA
  • attempts to toss out votes
  • etc.

I want to double-heart this for the invocation of Eudora Welty. TPMers are truly my people.


When not if Trump refuses to attend the inauguration, President-Elect Biden should invite President Obama to occupy “the honored role.”


Obama’s book clocks in at 768 pages and comes out next Tuesday. It is considered to be the first in a series or set, with intentions for him to write more from what I understand. He’s an amazing writer. I read The Audacity of Hope and enjoyed it. I knew from reading that book that he was the right man for the highest office in the land. Obama is so grounded. He struck me as a real pragmatist from the beginning and not some pie in the sky ultra-liberal that many were trying to label him at the time.


All in a day’s work.


Wind up that pitch for Dems to knock R Senators out of the park with a trail of shame following them high into the sky.


Actually it is a great opportunity for Democrats. They must convert Senate to a version in which each state vote is weighted by its population. Right now North Dakota and Wyoming have the same voting powers as New York and California, which is ridiculous. If the vote of each state is weighted by its population (and divided equally between the two Senators from the same state) then it is a major victory for Democrats. So instead of just crying foul about Donald Trump not accepting the legitimacy of Biden election, Democrats should also start casting doubts about Mitch McConnell elections, or in fact a number of senate Republican Elections, call them completely fraud and refuse to accept any of the laws passed by them as seriously iffy if not outright illegal. Then ask to change the rules of the senate. It is time to fight fire with fire and not just cry foul.

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I’m fully expecting entire states to declare “independence” from any policies that Biden implements. South Dakota comes to mind.


All the Rethugs put themselves in this position by sucking up to King Dump and being terrified of saying one negative thing about him. The fact that they won’t come out to acknowledge Biden/Harris tells you all you need to know about them. They have zero spine. What’s Dump going to do, fire them from Congress?

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trump is a fundraising monster, and the repubs are milking this unwarranted and venal challenge to the election for all the donations they can get.

money is the fuel that runs the political engine. the single best indicator of who will win an election is the amount of money they have to spend - it’s not a guarantee, but a very safe bet. that’s why a US senator running for re-election spends half of each and every working day fundraising (this is no exaggeration).

a few days back TPM reported trump has an “election defense fund” that in reality is all about paying off trump campaign debts and replenishing the RNC bank accounts, with a few crumbs that actually go to pay for trumps kabuki election challenges.

the party of trump has gone mad, power mad